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BBYUN's question (4)

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Can you guys suggest good sad song to listen to. That makes you really cry
I just want to listen to some good sad songs and cry lol
Please suggest good ones thank you
10 04,2020
Ok so ever since quarantine started I've been stressing out because of my future
I'm in 12th grade and next year I'm gonna be a college student BUT I DONT FUCKING LNOW WHAT COURSE I WANT I really don't know what to take I don't have a ambition
And this been making me crazy and this been breaking me down
I just want to know what should I do so that I'll know what course should I take
Im a ABM students btw
Please give me an advice cuz I can't take the pressure and stress anymore
I feel so lost I'm afraid that I don't have a great future
19 07,2020
BBYUN 14 04,2020
Ok I just want to know what is love for you guys and how do you know that your feeling is really love?? How are you so sure about that??
What is love??
Im just want to make sure about my feelings :'‹ cuz I've been having feelings for someone for a long time now and I want to know if what I'm feeling is love for that person or just a misunderstanding of feelings
14 04,2020
about question
Ok my sis is going to have a baby ghorl holy im going to be an aunt
So can you guys suggest some unique names with deep, cool etc meanings
Thanks and btw I'm bad at naming thing so yeah pls not names from the pandemic ok
23 04,2021