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sorbet kisses's question (3)

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sorbet kisses
08 05,2021
me and some friends from here made a discord server... anyone down? just message me or reply to this :)
08 05,2021
about question
sorbet kisses
28 05,2021
y’all so i have to choose an “inspirational” quote, line or lyrics for my grad so uhm SEND ME SOME ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ or give me a song that could be used (must be appropriate for the occasion (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞)
28 05,2021
so my friends and i—who i’ve met here—formed a discord server not too long ago. the more the merrier so please reply to this or private message me if you want the link for it! we also do movie nights every saturday at 8pm (wib timezone).
17 04,2021