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Venus's answer (16)

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21 11,2020
Aww poor cockroach might feel lonely in there. Be a kind soul and send him a cockroach partner upthere to make a happy family!   reply
21 11,2020
Ehh love shuttle is kinda overrated and ik a lot of people are gonna hate when i say his but.... cherry blossoms after winter was bland... yeah it started fine but just welp took a very domestic turn and yeah its fluff what did i expect For underrated, lol allow me to recommend 《i have a boyfriend》 if youre into fluff and relastionship and if ......   1 reply
16 07,2020
Daily commissions, story quests , spiral abyss and events give you the most primogems. Good luck!ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   1 reply
25 05,2021
about friends
21 11,2020
She likes u lol. If you like her bacc then either try to drop hints or tell her about your feelings towards her. If ya dont, then dont confront her about her feelings, if oneday shes ready then she will confess to you and you can turn her down.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ hope i helped.   reply
21 11,2020
yep its black waters from tgcf if anyone wants to know ヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
20 07,2020
black tshirt make any character smoking hawt hecc and glasses ლ(´ڡ`ლ)   reply
11 06,2020
11 12,2019
Actually you should politely reject her if you dont have romantic feelings for her and say that you really value your friendship and wouldnt let this hinder it .... if you accept the confession it will eventually lead to her expecting more and more(yknow kissing ,,, sex) and then if it doesnt work out it might not be very easy to cut ties with her ......   1 reply
11 12,2019
Cool as hecc (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   1 reply
09 11,2020
about being gay
27 09,2020
Lol im in an similar situation rn just the difference is my best friend is asexual(pray for me guys) but yeah since you like her there isnt anything to lose if you tell her about your feelings because its highly unlikely that you will lose your friendship with her, maybe she will say yes! Also heres some things that indicate that you have feelings ......   1 reply
27 09,2020
27 06,2020
Dont pick a side then, if youre into a specific type of a girl then thats fine and you cant simultaneously like guys too... and about your needy issue, not all girls are needy yknow find someone cool and chill and be a cute lil sub(lol yea you give off sub vibes) find the right girl then, and yknow you can get pregnant even when youre in a relasti......   1 reply
27 06,2020
Whoa seke life == Results from == 100% Switch 75% Pet 73% Dominant 65% Primal (Prey) 65% Experimentalist 61% Submissive 56% Sadist 54% Primal (Hunter) 53% Non-monogamist 52% Owner 51% Rigger 50% Vanilla 49% Brat tamer 46% Brat 45% Exhibitionist 43% Daddy/Mommy 41% Rope bunny 31% Master/Mistress 30% Voyeur 15% Degrad......   reply
26 10,2019
Smart, egoistical hoe uwu   reply
21 05,2020
about penpals
Yeee I'm down what do I do to join?   reply
22 09,2019
07 07,2020
Hes not a bad char wth he just has the power to transform into a titan   1 reply
07 07,2020
Changing in my room/Shaven obviously cuz then the person would see my perfect body lolol it still would be hella embarassing tho ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄   1 reply
17 04,2020
Yeah sure even id love to join on whatsapp! Add me (=・ω・=)   reply
02 11,2019