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MapleMatryoshka's answer (2)

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about question
So it really depends on the Omegaverse. I have read loads that do have types of Sexism. Homophobia is an offshoot of Sexism, so if there’s any kind of discrimination against any sex, there will be something like homophobia. Technically, for us irl, all of the Omegaverse is Intersex except for Betas. The idea of “secondary sex characteristics......   reply
11 04,2024
about question
Like all identities, it’s all about what you feel is the most comfortable. No need to overthink about it. But yeah, me too fam. I’ve had sexual relations through hook up sites and honestly I wouldn’t say I was sexually attracted to any of them. And in a way I did sexual acts just to see if attraction would at least follow that. I’ve foun......   1 reply
28 10,2023