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Lumi's question page 1 (21)

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Lumi 10 05,2021
PLZ CAN SOMEONE HELP ME!? I've been thinking about this character for so long and I cannot remember for the life of me him ever being in the show after the test (final selection Arc) and IDK if I'm just blind or if he died but do you guys remember after the test there's like four or five people alive and throughout the first season we see Tanjiro, (ofc) Zenitsu, and the butterfly girl Kanao BUT WHERE IS THE FORTH PERSON WHO LIVED?! I swear I am losing my mind over his character because I don't know if he died or he's going to reappear further into the manga and I don't want Major spoilers but I want to know if he's ever going to reappear in the anime again? His name is Genya btw and I'll show a few pics of what he looks like under my post but he gives me major demon vibes and after watching the movie today I was wondering if he would become a demon just because of his personality and stuff that I got to see anyway
10 05,2021
HE'S SO CUTE I'll put it down below I just wanna share cause he's too damn adorable
08 05,2021
Lumi 01 03,2021
(hello! I would like to share an idea I got from my dreams in pov form :) )
Warning it's long so if you don't want to read it please don't

You wake up on a tiny boat surrounded by nothing but ocean. It's been days since the shipwreck and not another person in sight, it's nothing but ocean as far as you can see. Hours go by and your stomach is rumbling so much it feels like it's eating itself. You curl yourself up trying your best to numb or ignore the pain. Just as those thoughts cross your mind that you won't make it out of this alive, it feels like the earth's very core starts shaking. You place both hands on the side of the boat trying to keep both the boat and yourself steady as the water slams against it. You notice that the sea animals are going crazy trying to swim away from where the ripples in the water were more dominant. Suddenly fear strikes you when you realize your boat is being pulled into those ripples and there was nothing you could do to stop it. You laid down on the boat, facing the dark sky, and closed your eyes. Right as you close your eyes the sea goes still and the earth stops shaking. You wait, completely still, for about ten minutes waiting for something to happen, but nothing happens. You decide to open your eyes and the first thing you see is a bright clear sky, as you sit up in the boat you immediately realize the island your boat is now resting on. Though you're confused your hunger over throws any rational thought and you quickly jump out of the boat, onto the soft, seemingly glowing, sand of the island. As you were going up to a tree your peripheral vision encourages you to turn back and look towards where your boat had landed. You didn't want to at first but you had a guy feeling something was very wrong. You quickly turn around and notice that the sea away from the island is still rumbling and the only patch of clear sky is right above the island the rest is still dark maybe even darker than before. Chills go up and down your spine and everything is making you feel like you need to leave, immediately. What do you do?
01 03,2021
Lumi 21 07,2021
I legit only did the first quarter of my school work and was fully prepared to have to redo the year but apparently both me and my brother are going to the next year?? I legit got a year off of school y'all without getting held back I'm so confused ik I'll probably have to do an immense amount of work but STILL I'm happy I didn't get held back but I feel like I should have got held back me and my little brothers theory was that so many kids didn't do anything at all and since we did at least the first quarter they were like fuck it send them through they'll be fine I get the feeling a lot of the students aren't going to know shit going into this new school year coming up soon LMAO I also feel bad for the students because if they did do the work they only got like two months off and I was literally vibing at home for a whole year and still passed
21 07,2021
Hi and yes I'm making another one of these in the span of a few minutes but I can't stop thinking about this character either but they never killed him I'm talking about the alligator guy in the ant arc like he just got in the ocean and swam away does he ever reappear in the manga or is he just ruling the ocean now like?? He just got away I thought that they were going to find him with the fishes that played the dart game but he was never brought up so is he just having fun in the ocean swimming around with a bunch of fishes? Or did he die? I sure as hell don't remember him ever resurfacing and helping the other ants out? But I know they all tried to branch off and create their own nest so does he just have a nest under water which means that a whole nother ant arc would be made from ocean animals? Once again I'll post a picture of what the character looks like under my post :D
10 05,2021
Lumi 24 04,2021
Have any of you guys just thought about doing it? I was just sitting here combing my hair thinking about if I ever had enough money to just fake my death and disappear off the face of the Earth I'd definitely do it but I'd also have them play a song at my funeral that had a cryptic message but make it super obvious for anybody that actually cared enough to look into it and if they do find out where I'm at they can come live with me and bring their family and pets if they want on my private island and live in luxury but if they ever get too annoying I can always feed them to my pet sharks I think I'd name them boo boo and chompers but surprisingly enough boo boo is the mean one
24 04,2021
Lumi 17 04,2021
Guys have you seen the realistic drawing of Ymir on tiktok? If not here's the link
I haven't read the manga yet BUT ANYWAYS it had the letter she wrote to Historia in english which had me sobbing but then I go to the comments and men were saying they weren't in love? O.o HUH!? I thought through the entire show that they always liked/loved each other..? Even if Historia never out right said it or showed immense affection she's never been that type of character? But she was closest to Ymir and seemingly loved her in her own way so seeing those comments really confused me? And their only reasoning for her not having been in love with Ymir is that she got pregnant?? Okay? Isn't she canonly bisexual? And wouldn't she need an offspring being the queen anyways? But what really got my blood boiling was the straight white men in the comments saying YMIR DIDN'T LOVE HER!?! AND THAT SHE NEVER SHOWED AFFECTION TOWARDS HISTORIA AT ALL!? Idk how they watched the anime or read the manga seeing as how they must be both blind and deaf
17 04,2021
I'm serious this isn't a joke so if you don't want to take it seriously or can't understand where I'm coming from please don't reply

but anyways I'm a woman but lately I've been feeling completely uncomfortable being one I feel so out of place but I've noticed that when I pretend to be a guy I feel 1000x more comfortable with myself and I'm more so to say open and the social anxiety basically just disappears I've always been like this it's not a recent thing but I have just recently started learning like a few years ago about transitioning and everything like that and I've also noticed that other women don't feel the way I do constantly

Like for instance I was playing a game with a mic and got called a guy and just a rush of relief came over me? But then when my brother corrected the person I felt tense again but there are other times when I don't want to be called a guy and I want to be called by she/her but then other times he/him is so much more appealing

But I also feel like I'm just being affected by what I see online when people are so happy to transition or come out in general and I hate feeling like maybe these feelings or thoughts are just coming from that and they aren't real and I just don't know anymore

I could never pass for a guy anyways (I'm not saying that's bad or anything it's okay) I just don't feel comfortable anymore with myself I mean I never really have to begin with but it's just gotten worse

If you have any type of advice it would be really nice to hear it.. also I know this isn't the place to ask but I can't really ask anywhere else
26 04,2021
about nicknames
So I'm making this character in this new game I got and I'm stuck on names her real name is Iris but it also wants me to give her a code name and I have no idea what to tell them I wanted to base it off of personality in which this is a game about an apocalyptic world hundreds of years in the future (I think anyway) and she's not hopeful for the future at all but she still wants to cater to people who are hopeful for a brighter future even though she doesn't believe it'll ever happen I want her to be a character with a more darker personality but probably more closer to someone who's just given up and is simply just fighting for the sake of others dreams I want something creative but also makes sense to the character but Google's not helping I've been sitting here over an hour trying to pick something and nothing is coming to my head so I was hoping you creative peeps could help me out? Please?
18 05,2021
Lumi 27 02,2021
Hello! Sorry I don't have a link to a new one but I just want to see everyones favorites they've created :) if you still have them saved that is
I just want to see but I'll put my own picrews/favorites down below because I have a lot saved
27 02,2021
Among us picrew (multiple skin tones)->

Make girlfriend (probably can make a guy too) picrew (multiple skin tones) ->

Idk what to call this one (one skin tone) ->

Demon maker (I hate this one well how mine turned out) picrew (multiple skin tones ->

Cute guy(or girl) maker picrew (multiple skin tones) ->

Pretty girl picrew (one skin tone)

I'll show mine down below :D
07 03,2021
This is gonna be long sorry in advance I'm really excited ( I know this isn't really the place to be asking these questions but I like you guys here and I know a lot of you watch anime so-)

Do you guys have your own original characters? (oc for short) I was sitting here bored and I've been thinking about writing a story about my OC for a while now (months) but sadly I'm not that good of a writer x_x and I don't know if her powers make sense in the mha universe and I'm also worried about my quirk ideal for her already being taken and I'd feel awful if I created the story and somebodys oc already has a quirk that is similar or the exact same to hers but I really like the idea

So I call her quirk Air Force and she's just awesome to me XD basically her powers come from the air well oxygen itself and she's capable of putting up these walls created out of air and she can make them solid and change their sizes and shapes the backlash is she has to hold her breath so if she stops holding her breath her quirk will also stop working until she starts holding it in again I don't want to dive too deep into how it works or all the things she can do because I haven't really figured it all out yet but yeah I just wanted to share and ask a few questions for starters

1. Do you know anyone who owns a character with that quirk?

2. What should her name be? I was thinking of looking up a name that means air or something like that but feels really cliche and I don't really know

3. I can't decide if I want her to be a villain but I'm so tired of the heroes ヽ(`Д´)ノ DOWN WITH THE HEROS! ANARCHY

4. Any ideals for the plot if I do make her a villain working with the lov because she will most definitely be with Shiggy I can't I'm a simp I can't be serious about making one of these stories and not have my OC with him XD (btw I never plan to make this public and I don't want to steal anyones ideals unless you'd like to share them with me)

5. I want to be sadistic and give her asthma good luck holding your breath for long now (I probably won't do this but it's just an evil thought I had as I was typing this)
13 04,2021
This is going to be long I'm sorry feel free not to read it or tell me your experiences too I need to feel not alone

Do any of you guys have a crush that has just stuck with you ever since like middle or high School or maybe even younger? That you never tried to go for?

Because I had a crush on this guy all through Middle School and honestly I still have left over feelings for the unknown or the what ifs but as I'm sitting here thinking about it I genuinely think he might have liked me back?? There are 5 big things that happened between me and him that makes me think maybe he did?

1. He always tried to sit with or near me in every class we had together even when we had classes with his other friends?

2. He would always talk with me about his mental health issues or who he liked (PAIN)

3. We were in our last class and I had my headphones and I was doing a little dance in my seat because you know the music was good and I glanced over and he's just watching me and his face turned red?? And he quickly looked away?? Btw I was sitting at my desk alone and no one else was there to look at?

4. We was heading to our last class and out of nowhere I just grabbed his hand and pulled him along.. but he held my hand back and I was the first one to let go?? HMM

5. HE said out of nowhere that he had a fear of rejection therefore even if he thought or knew that the person liked him he wouldn't say anything about it? LIKE WHAAAAT

Then again like I said I know I'm living in the past and for the what ifs but my brain is constantly tormented by the thought that if I had tried maybe something could have happened

Then again I don't think anything would have happened because I'm fat and that was middle school and if it did all of his "cool kid" friends would make fun of him .-. ACTUALLY THEY DID and after that he stopped trying to hang around me all the time .-. PAIN

BUT I ALSO FEEL LIKE IF HE DID LIKE ME his "friends" opinions wouldn't have mattered..? Idk anymore I should stop thinking about it but I can't

Sorry this was just me rambling about my thoughts I am curious about every one else's experiences tho! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
09 04,2021
Lumi 07 05,2021
This is going to be long- so I wouldn't recommend even reading through it if you aren't interested btw I just want to know if anybody else has parents that are like this or do things like this but I don't want to make it too long either so it's kind of hard to explain

All of my life I always thought the way my mom raised me was okay because she never physically laid her hands on me or anything like that but as I've got older over the years I've realize that it's not okay at all

For instance and just to put it in easier terms I'm scared of her she's raised me and my siblings on fear and control and whatever she says goes and whenever we try asking her something we get screamed and yelled at so I just stopped talking to her about stuff even when I really needed her I just never went to her even on basic stuff like help for an assignment for school or questions about girly things like makeup and shit like that when I was younger but once again I always felt like those feelings I had as I was growing up were normal like I wasn't meant to be able to go to her and ask her for anything because it was stepping out of line even if it was just simple stuff that I should be able to ask my mom

But one time during the beginning of the pandemic in lockdown I had a breakdown right in front of her and she was shocked and it was the first time we've ever had a genuine conversation but it wasn't even that good of one TBH but I told her the very minimum of how I was feeling and she said the exact words 'just wait till we move and you won't feel that way anymore' (move as in move houses btw) and still to this day I have no idea what she was talking about idk how moving is going to magically cure my social anxiety and depression I got from you? When you are the problem? and I've tried bringing it up with her again multiple times but it's just ignored or glossed over of course

She's also never apologized for everything that she's done ever even when it was completely necessary I'm not saying that my Mom owes me anything or anything like that but just one sincere apology would be nice but how she apologizes is giving gifts like whenever she's really fucked up she'll go out like the next day or the day after that and bring us back something she knows we likes for instance food or she'll take us out to a park something like that

But I guess just the main thing of this post is just ranting but I'm genuinely scared I'll turn out just like her because this type of parenting it's passed down you don't just raise your kids like this but even if I don't know what the problems are I'm still scared of subconsciously treating my kids the same way I was treated in my childhood I love kids I want to have kids (adopt) but the thought of putting a little person through what I have gone through disturbs me

also I feel like a lot of parents should have never had kids to begin with I shouldn't be here my mom was never ready for kids
07 05,2021
So I sent a guy that I like (he likes me too? LMAO idek) A picrew that I made and I said "oh he's hot " and he was like "he is" and I was like "threesome then?" Jokingly and then he said BEEEET and we kept talking and I was like "I don't actually like threesomes lmao" and he's like "I'm cool with it as long as it's two girls" and I was going to say something about messing around with the girl then he says to me "Cuz if it's 1 girl I don't wanna have sex with them" ... Bish wha? And I was like "you're joking.. right? Lol" and THENNN he says "I'll still do it but I prefer two girls" and I just don't know how to respond to that so he's enjoying the left on scene field so can someone give me some advice or funny reply because I'm still just shocked that he said that
20 02,2021
For me it's when they spoil their own story what I mean by that is when at the end of a scene or a chapter they'll say something like "if only I knew that those were the last good days of my life." or "I wish I knew then so maybe I could have saved him/her." or the worst for me anyways is when the author will put something like "One of them will die." LIKE WHY SPOIL YOUR OWN STORY I know it's meant to be suspenseful but at the same time it makes me so mad it's not as common anymore but I do still see it sometimes but I think it's just as bad when the writer does do that especially the "one of them will die" and then the character dies but oh wait they're not actually dead so you did that for what??
31 05,2021
I am ONE minor inconvenience from ending it all today like I feel so physically angry because how are you going to ask me how to do something then you PROCEED TO FUCK IT UP!? THEN WONDER WHY IT DOESN'T WORK? THEN KEEP SAYING IT SHOULD!? especially when it's my money that you just used and wasted because you didn't want to listen then try to do it your own way when I'm not around and waste my fucking money? I'm so pissed off rn if that wasn't already clear but I'm actually so mad I want to break his fucking controller but I paid for it for his birthday so that would just be more money wasted
16 02,2021
Please show off your favorite female mcs whether they are just beautiful or completely badass or kind BUT DO NOT tell anyone where they are from but you can say their names.. if you'd like

Rules ->
1. Try not to repeat the characters

2. Pictures please

3. They can be side characters just as long as they are shown more than just a few times

4. Throw some traps in there people ;) (if you want of course)

5. If you know the answer you can comment saying you know who it is but please don't tell anyone else

6. Have fun guessing!

I saw a bl version of this but I hope this is a bit harder

Please participate I really wanna see stunning badass women

I'll put multiple of my favorite female mcs down in the replies

Thank you for reading or participating I appreciate it
12 03,2021
Lumi 16 06,2021
Could you guys drop your favorite cursed images you have in your gallery? My guild just created a discord and they put a #cursed images section and I want to spam it with images and we all know you guys have the best ones

I 100% believe that besides kpop memes cursed images is at a close second on here so Ik y'all got em
16 06,2021
I just can't handle it they are just way to cute and I'm going to find myself a baby dragon!!ヽ(`Д´)ノ
20 02,2021