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Norana's question (12)

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What are some small storage games that are entertaining? I'm getting bored with mine and looking for new ones to download. I'm open for anything, feel free to share your favs!
05 05,2024
about question
Is there anyone who plays wuwa and is the game laggy for them too? My laptop runs genshin and honkai smoothly, but wuwa is still really laggy especially when I'm moving around and the scenery would have to change quickly bc I turn around or smth. I tried some thing that I've seen on tiktok and it's slightly better but I'd like it to be smoother. I have the quality on medium and the frames on 45, others are turned off.
02 06,2024
about question
I still go back to my og comfort fic even after years (it's the zhongchi Frame the wallflower one) do you have fics that you're loyal to bc it's just so good?
18 03,2024
about question
I have a bestie let's call her L. L has a friend D who used to be my best friend. We also have a mutual friend, O so there were 4 of us in this friend group. D and I were always closer to each other we used to tell we were each others soulmates. But after she got her first bf she started to act really weird. A lot of things happened but long story short both me and O dropped her bc she did many things that a friend would never do. We haven't talked in well over a year but I'm still friends with O and L. Now L for some reason still hangs out with her but keeps complaining about the things she did (that she used to do to us). Now turns out D was talking with L's ex who was harassing L bc he wanted to get back with her. Said ex sent all of their texts to D who just casually told this to L but didn't want show their conversation so I'm sure she said some pretty mean things about her. So she told us all this and then obv we asked why didn't she just stood up and left? She said she didn't have the heart to do that. And now we want to go on a vacation with a big friend group and L wants to invite D for whatever reason. How could I convience her to just block her and never talk to her again? I'm getting desperate bc me and O don't want to be in one place with her for multiple days. I'm straight up sick of the thought. Pls help
17 05,2024
about question
I have really bad scoliosis and recently it became worse, my shoulders and hips are not aligned at all. Turns out I might need to have surgery and I'm kinda scared. But if it'll be better then guess it is what it is.

If you had some kind of surgery what was it like?
24 03,2024
about question
Mine are: youtube AMVs were the shit, Nico Nico Nii was the pinnacle of every meme and the top AoT ship was ErenxLevi
27 01,2024
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Levi from AoT will always be my roman empire. He got done so bad everyone always died around him, he had to kill his comrades, the one who he placed his trust started a fucking genocide. Like besides humanity not disappearing his character didn't get any closure at the end.
13 01,2024
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Personal opinion incoming! But I hate the fix-it trope they used so bad. Like when everything gets solved with everyone forgetting the main character and what happened, the whole story just seems so pointless. I know that the casualties were severe, but idk I would have enjoyed it more if humanity stood on their feet once again and they'd try to return to their normal lives. So for me the ending was kinda meh altough I really liked Jingwoo's son and the shadows relationship, it was adorable!
30 01,2024
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i kind of grew bored with every fandom i'm in right now, so does anyone have recs for good original works? i'm down for anything(ofc the longer the better)
4 days
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Honestly to this day I'm mad that Kakashi's face was revealed. Ofc it was easy to guess how he looks(and he's fine) but I'd have preferred if it stayed a secret.
21 02,2024
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where your jaw genuinely dropped
19 05,2024
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Been years since they stopped Magi after the second season AND I NEED IT BACK I LOVE IT SO MUCH
26 01,2024