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Clop's experience (2)

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yo the mangago comminity are the weirdest community ive ever seen. like man stop putting weird shit inside your ass thats nasty. theres no filter and yall act like its the most normal thing to do as if theres nothing wrong or concerning with it... im more worried than disgusted tbh please take care of yourselves better..   3 reply
21 11,2020
Clop 15 06,2020
I am capable of getting turned on, having crushes, and love. However, I can't seem to WANT or DO a relationship. That kind of stuff does not interest me, I'd prefer to be single for life. I feel like I like the idea of falling in love but I don't want to actually commit to it. Am I the oddball here or is this a normal thing and that I am overthinki......   3 reply
15 06,2020