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A person (*)'s question (14)

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about question
A cat has been the mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska for 17 years.

02 11,2020
about question
Squirrels will adopt other baby squirrels if they're orphaned

02 11,2020
wats ur reaction to romantic movies. ( ̄へ ̄) i hate anything that looks realistically lovey dovey but love yaoi/bl/yuri...........*ig this kinda makes me a hypocrite but watever
04 12,2020
Me and my sister hav like 15 years difference between us.she had an arranged marriage and she was talking about proposals for my other sister.i was sat there sipping my milk like wtfff.(⊙…⊙ )

i kno if I say something it wasn’t gonna end well but my other sister was like bruh I’m never getting married. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

and then my sister sed the worst thing ever she sed .............remember ur not leaving this house till ur married and I choked on my milk.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

i wanna move out for college but she doesn’t kno that yet I’m wondering if any of u guys hav weird conversations with ur sister.??? (=・ω・=)
02 07,2020
about question
Sir Nils, the penguin, was knighted with the approval of King Harald V of Norway in 2008.

02 11,2020
Gn everyone it’s almost 6am here so I think it’s time I slept and others too ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ kk night everyone
26 10,2020
Heyy come join our lonely surver!...( ^-^)ρ(╯^╰)

we know mangago has been down so come join us that way incase mangago goes down again we can all share our pain ;-;


theres not many ppl so being shy wont be a problem, were always welcome to new members! we hope if u join our server you will be able to make new frnds and talk we hav many channels, and fun bots.*:・゚✧

our channels include:
~manga reccomendations for all genres, :・゚✧
~discussions on manga, anime, art and writing:・゚✧
~music channel *:・゚✧
~spam ;)) :・゚✧

were mainly a comic-based server!!!(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ:・゚✧


join or your ankles get it ;)).....jk..jk......unless? ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

heres the link ^^
03 04,2021
about question
٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ did u kno dolphins hav names for each other

"Each dolphin produces its own unique signature whistle that describes its individual identity," researchers said in a University of St. Andrews press release. "The new study suggests that in fact dolphins are mimicking those they are close to and want to see again."

02 11,2020
K so I hav a little question. I mean I’ve never hugged my parents. My mom always wanted us to hate our dad and as a kid that’s just wat we did we hated him cuz u kno she was our mom.

My mom has always been like this .when we were younger she wud hit us and stuff and now we’re older she doesn’t as much but she’s always reminding us wat dipshits we r. She’ll swear at me and curse me but weirdly she won’t do it to my act all nice and caring and treat random strangers better then her own kids.and at family gatherings she will always embarrass me by saying rlly personal stuff or just make fun of me and my relatives just agree.

when I was much younger she wud say stuff like if u like ur dad more then me then u can go ask him make u meals. I sit everyday and ask my self wtf is she thinking is she angry. Is she upset wat will happen next.whenever I sit down and eat I hate it cuz it’s the food she made.she complains to us about how much she works for us and all we want is her confused.

Whenever I’m around her I feel so fucking scared.i don’t kno why sometimes I wanna cry in a corner and just sleep.

I’m so paranoid.her voice actually fucking makes it hard for me to grandmas exactly the same .i hav 5 other sisters.

One ran away from home one had an arranged marriage and acts like my mom and the others just don’t give a fuck.i hate my mom so much but I don’t kno why. I’m always ridiculed,made fun of,bullied cuz of my mom .my dad doesn’t giv a fuck either I just I just get so fucking tired of it .

I mean do families work like this my life nowadays forever.ive tried to harm myself and kill myself yet I kno if I do ill just burden my mom with the funeral costs I don’t kno wat to do anymore I’m just tired of it .some advice wud be great thanks#-.-)
30 06,2020
about question
Not only do penguins mate for life, but they also spend time finding a pebble to give their mate in order to "propose."(▰˘◡˘▰)
02 11,2020
about question
A person (*) 02 11,2020
The voice of Mickey Mouse and the voice of Minnie Mouse got married in real life.
02 11,2020
about question
A person (*) 02 11,2020
The elements that we are composed of were formed in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are all made of star dust.
02 11,2020
A person (*) 02 11,2020
I hear my sisters’s time to wake up cuz it’s the morning but I haven’t even gone to sleep yet... Σ(っ°Д °;)っwat shud I do...
02 11,2020
about question
A BBC News program broadcast in 1957 ended claiming that spaghetti grew on trees on a farm in Switzerland. Many viewers believed the report and called the BBC asking how to grow their own trees. Their response: “Place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best.”

02 11,2020