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BloodCoveredAngel's answer page 2 (79)

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about question
Just take a break. Sometimes, I don't read anything on here for about a year. I just do what feels comforting, and if reading becomes a chore, I save my place and stop reading until it becomes fun again.   reply
29 01,2024
I tried the clothes; didn't like them. They were either covering up a tattoo or dull, so no clothes for this one.   reply
15 07,2021
about question
If it ever become possible I want to be a bunny, but my favorite stuffed animal is a puppy and that wasn't an option so I picked the bunny, which means I am a bunny holding a bunny.   reply
14 06,2021
Swear my neverending loyalty.   reply
20 06,2021
I'm from Texas here and I wish I was born somewhere colder or at the very least I wish things were greener like when I was a kid, we had a really long drought before and nothings really been the same, at least my area is currently unaffected.   reply
06 06,2021
I'm a girl, and anybody who knows both of my parents says I look like my dad, so I won't look much different and I also know my parents would be fine if I keep my hair long because my dad had long hair when they met.   reply
23 07,2021
about question
These are pretty decent, but if you want something you'll regret you could do what my sister did and get a Drunk Micky Mouse tattoo, apparently it was so bad she got it covered up with a rose. I'd upload a picture of it but she got it covered before I was born so I have so clue about how bad that Drunk Micky Mouse looked.   reply
13 05,2021
This is too beautiful for this world.   reply
01 07,2021
So many accessories, I had a hard time choosing.   reply
16 06,2021
about lmao
It's anime so I can dress however I want...Just don't tell my mom.   reply
18 06,2021
No slurs are allowed on the escape sights.   reply
15 07,2021
I do F2P. I just use whatever in-game freebies I get or horde them for later, depending on whose banner is up and whether I like them or not. After that, I check to see if I have them or not. If I have them, I don't pull. If I don't have them and don't like them, I don't pull for them. I don't need to have every character. I just need the ones I li......   reply
17 04,2024
about question
I just need him to be fatter and have more moles. I could have done short hair, but I signed an eternal lifetime subscription to the Long Hair fan club and that shit works for any gender and lifetime depending on species.   reply
10 06,2021
I'm impressed this one has multiple moles and body hair usually, you get one or two moels for the face and chest hair.   reply
10 12,2023
about question
Small town problems, I am either related to 40% or 60% of the population. It's hard to tell who is family and who is my mom's friend that decides to talk to me out of the blue because she keeps showing them pictures of me.   reply
22 08,2023
Female pan/ace. I don't care about people's gender or orientation and I love the idea of going on dates and getting to know people on a deep emotional level. However, I would rather not have sex. I really just don't want to. I get horny and I like the idea of sex, but the thought of actually going through with it is a no-go for me.   reply
26 06,2021
Apparently, she is the sweatiest most moist person in the whole wide world but makes up for it by being gay   reply
20 06,2021
I don't save many pictures and I am too lazy to delete the useless ones so I guess I'll die while making crafts and it's going to be at the part where I have already spent fifteen minutes working only to realize I made a mistake and have to start over.   1 reply
24 06,2021
I like these, they're fun   reply
24 days
about question
it is 9:59 Am where I'm at. I will go to sleep at noon, but for my fellows who are turning in rest well my dear degenerates, rest well.   1 reply
13 07,2021