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have you been offline? I haven't seen your pink ass profile pic in the questions page in a...

I like trees February 1, 2021 5:39 pm

have you been offline? I haven't seen your pink ass profile pic in the questions page in a while

    nosleep February 8, 2021 9:15 pm

    ah yea school started and I’ve just been feeling stressed so kinda forgot about mango but I’m always here to read :)

    I like trees February 8, 2021 9:42 pm
    ah yea school started and I’ve just been feeling stressed so kinda forgot about mango but I’m always here to read :) nosleep

    Ok, just checkin
    Good luck! This bitch also has school sooooo

    nosleep February 8, 2021 11:59 pm
    Ok, just checkinGood luck! This bitch also has school sooooo I like trees

    ohh I know how it be, good luck too

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