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good manga

Jesss May 1, 2016 4:18 pm

i admit it bugged me that Sudou said he wouldnt take responsibility when a girl told him she was pregnant. it turned out not to be his, but it bugged me how cowardly he was. but then again, many women choose not to be mothers every day.
besides that it really is an awesome manga and ive reread it a few times.

    aerslevdi July 13, 2016 10:03 pm

    I wouldn't say he was a coward. He just didn't want kids. It happens to women and men alike.
    Why does he have to support a kid that he doesn't want? It's kinda like when women don't want kids and they want to decide over their own bodies. Why can't he decide on his own life? What I don't understand is the fact that he has a reputation (a bad one I may add) so what was the woman expecting from announcing she was pregnant? Is this a man who you'd choose to be your children father? No. By all means no.
    So to me if you know the kind of man he is and then you go demanding for him to take responsibility when you weren't so responsible yourself, it means you have other things in mind.

    Jesss July 13, 2016 11:10 pm
    I wouldn't say he was a coward. He just didn't want kids. It happens to women and men alike. Why does he have to support a kid that he doesn't want? It's kinda like when women don't want kids and they want to d... aerslevdi

    thats true, perhaps she was doing it on purpose there are women like that...
    but, "He just didn't want kids. It happens to women and men alike. "
    why doesnt he get a vasectomy? it bugs me when people know for sure they dont want kids, and dont bother getting fixed.

    aerslevdi July 14, 2016 1:46 am
    thats true, perhaps she was doing it on purpose there are women like that...but, "He just didn't want kids. It happens to women and men alike. "why doesnt he get a vasectomy? it bugs me when people know for sur... Jesss

    Maybe because they hope that maybe in the future it will happen. It happened with my mom. She got pregnant and she decided to have me. But my dad didn't and she still wanted me. So she was okay with being a single mom and with making all the sacrifices she knew she had to make. But my dad i found out last year (somehow Facebook suggested him as a friend???) has now an stable family and appears happy.

    Jesss July 14, 2016 3:48 am
    Maybe because they hope that maybe in the future it will happen. It happened with my mom. She got pregnant and she decided to have me. But my dad didn't and she still wanted me. So she was okay with being a sin... aerslevdi

    that sucks. i've seen that happen in men, where they fear being fathers, but later on have stable families. it sucks.
    im only now becoming close to my dad (im 30 years old) he tried being around when i was a kid, but he wouldnt help financially, and was more concerned with living his own life.

    im glad you have such a wonderful mom tho =) mine is pretty great too

    Anonymous December 8, 2016 1:04 am

    i think he just didnt want to take "full" responsibility because that would mean he would have to marry the girl. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    If anything i hate the fact that she didnt even know if she was pregnant, and if she was she didnt know if he was even the father. She was just using that as an exuse to make him feel guilty so that they can have a relationship and possibly get married.
    I dont think she cared for the kid at all, she just wanted something to tie twhe two of them together and i hate when people do that the most (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Jesss December 10, 2016 12:33 pm
    i think he just didnt want to take "full" responsibility because that would mean he would have to marry the girl. ( ̄∇ ̄")If anything i hate the fact that she didnt even know if she was pregnant, and ... @Anonymous

    thats very true anonymous. As my mom always tells me, there are woman willing to get pregnant to tie a man. but she says this always ultimately fails. a man will not stay with a woman for a child.

    i just feel bad for kids in these situations. but you are right, this woman was psycho and had no idea what the situation was before opening her mouth.