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What a shocked truth!

KyoZaNa✿ June 14, 2016 11:25 am

Orlando Shooting update, it turns out that the gunman who killed 49 & injured 53 gay guys is actually GAY! What a shocked truth! How saddd.. ╥﹏╥
I've ever seen hidden gay cases like this in some BL and American Beauty film but never ever thought I would see it in real life and it's many many times worse than fiction. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    doki-doki June 14, 2016 12:08 pm

    wonder why human hurt each other more violently in this age. is it mean the world near it's end? (︶︿︶)??

    Harmonia June 14, 2016 12:23 pm

    Quite frankly I'm not surprised at all.

    Anonymous June 14, 2016 1:55 pm
    wonder why human hurt each other more violently in this age. is it mean the world near it's end? (︶︿︶)?? doki-doki

    You really want to find out? Then come live for a month in my country...
    Hahahahhhhhh you are unaware of the entire world lol

    xien June 14, 2016 2:12 pm

    oh really? people saying he is a homophobe muslims. Donald trump even want to banned muslim from entering America bcause of this incident. Why american always linked everything to religion? dont hate the religion, hate the people. Many people out there use religion as a mask to satisfied their greed for money and gold, their thirst for power and blood.

    Capuccino June 14, 2016 2:58 pm
    oh really? people saying he is a homophobe muslims. Donald trump even want to banned muslim from entering America bcause of this incident. Why american always linked everything to religion? dont hate the religi... @xien

    Donald trum is just a big racist, xénophobe, women-doing-good-jobs hater.
    Sorry, but I reply don't like him, and I fear what would happen if he became the president of the most powerful country in the world

    KyoZaNa✿ June 14, 2016 3:00 pm
    oh really? people saying he is a homophobe muslims. Donald trump even want to banned muslim from entering America bcause of this incident. Why american always linked everything to religion? dont hate the religi... @xien

    Yeah, I also think whoever rashly claimed him this-that before properly investigated have ulterior motives. He's a regular client of that bar gay and dated gay online..

    Deriantos June 14, 2016 3:04 pm
    oh really? people saying he is a homophobe muslims. Donald trump even want to banned muslim from entering America bcause of this incident. Why american always linked everything to religion? dont hate the religi... @xien

    well you hit a critical point , it's true people are responsable for their actions , politics screwed life masks of lies and deceive made people do the same as well , because the controlling power such as goverments want to make people like them which started with Media and feeding minds with what ever they want people to see or feel , this is not the end , it's more the begining of the end , with the advances made by technology more brainwashing ways will appear because the fear of not being in control is what made them do such , while using the ones who have thirst for power and blood , don't fear mass murderer fear the ones who use them for their own gain

    KyoZaNa✿ June 14, 2016 3:11 pm
    Quite frankly I'm not surprised at all. Harmonia

    It surprised me as nowadays gay is worldwide acceptable, more & more countries even allow their marriage. There should not be much tension like the old time especially in US.

    Harmonia June 14, 2016 3:17 pm
    oh really? people saying he is a homophobe muslims. Donald trump even want to banned muslim from entering America bcause of this incident. Why american always linked everything to religion? dont hate the religi... @xien

    That idiot Donald Trump wanted to ban Muslims way before this incident. That’s been his whole campaign, Mexicans are rapist, Muslims are terrorists, and it unfortunately has worked. On the why Americans link everything to religion, it’s more they link it when it has to do with Muslim fundamentalist committing acts of violence, because it feeds the narrative that the other is dangerous and that they are under attack. When there’s news of a Christian fundamentalist, or a white person committing violent acts, you will notice the narrative is quite different. Also, if they focus on it’s the Muslims they can evade the glaring problems in their society like guns and homophobia. On your “don’t hate religion, hate the people” I agree and disagree. Sure these people were twisted, violent individuals, but where did they get the idea that gay people are immoral and need to be punished? I’m not saying every religion is bad, and I’m not saying every religious person is bad, I’m just saying that you can’t deny that while religion has many good things that encourages people to do good for others, it also has very bad messages that makes some unhinged people commit these heinous crimes and do bad things.
    Side note: I refer to Americans as “they” because even though I’m legally an American (Puerto Rico is a US territory and all Puerto Ricans are US citizens from the moment we pop out) I don’t identify myself as an American (from US not the continent, the Spanish language makes a distinction), I’m Puerto Rican.

    Deriantos June 14, 2016 3:18 pm
    It surprised me as nowadays gay is worldwide acceptable, more & more countries even allow their marriage. There should not be much tension like the old time especially in US. KyoZaNa✿

    It's simple rule of humanity really not all see things the same way , some see not natural other don't mind it , for me i see love is a part of human nature and love doesn't know gender or have limitations , so we should respect each other points of view the least the world would be a much better place , because the killer is one yet he spread more hatred and anger between people some might act on it and some will use for their own gain sadly this the world we are in killing a monster gives birth to many more monsters , it would be great of everyone accepted others for they are i mean in love or interests ( not including bad interests ) : )

    Harmonia June 14, 2016 3:22 pm
    It surprised me as nowadays gay is worldwide acceptable, more & more countries even allow their marriage. There should not be much tension like the old time especially in US. KyoZaNa✿

    Well, sure gay marriage is allowed in all 50 states but the problem is far from over for the LGBT+ community in the US and other countries. To this day lots of states still have discriminatory laws against the LGBT+ community, and there's a lot of people still very much so against gay rights. I wasn't surprised this guy was gay, because when you're knee deep in denial, unhinged, you have a religion telling you gay people are immoral and should be punished, and guns are super easy to get, well, I'm not surprised this happened. It's truly heartbreaking that he did it, all those people didn't deserve to die just for being who they are and loving who they love.

    KyoZaNa✿ June 14, 2016 3:36 pm
    It's simple rule of humanity really not all see things the same way , some see not natural other don't mind it , for me i see love is a part of human nature and love doesn't know gender or have limitations , so... Deriantos

    Could it be that his life's ruined after the truth about his hidden gay life's revealed so he exploded his anger this way.

    Deriantos June 14, 2016 3:56 pm

    Not really , it's shocking to find out something like this about who you are , but you can't build a bomb with only 1 type of material : ) , this anger was built long ago inside of him and released like this , which means there are much more facts hidden , maybe for someone else to use for a bigger agenda , because all you we can do is assuming but with social media around will use the part that people not sure about the matter to make something helps a bigger agenda , this is part of today brainwashing .. simple fact but logical : )

    KyoZaNa✿ June 14, 2016 4:32 pm

    Thanks everyone for replying & sharing idea.
    I'll just stop here to read something to lift up my spirit.