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Is that it?

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ October 9, 2023 8:50 am

So, basically Coulton cancelled Damon's line up on exhibition, leaving a blank space on the line up and afterwards put his sister on the blank space that was supposed to be Damon's place bc Coulton didn't trust him to finish the pieces but kept it a secret and didn't tell him about it. Now Damon accidentally found out that happened when he was talking with Coulton sister and she talked about her first exhibition that was going to happen, the one Damon was supposed to be in but she's now in all of the sudden, so when Damon guessed what happened, he went to his studio and broke almost every single piece that he had made for that exhibition, except for one, then Damon ignored Coulton's calls and texts so he could act like he was the one in the wrong, like he truly didn't not commit to the exhibition, so it would look like Coulton was right, so Coulton wouldn't feel bad about that, but apparently even though Coulton did actually take off Damon's from the exhibition line up at first, he began to trust Damon at some point, regretted doing that and decided to instead make a solo exhibition just for Damon, a different exhibition than the one where the sister now fills the blank space, in order to compensate for it and show that he trusts and care for Damon but since Coulton never told any of that to Damon, Damon thinks he was being played all along, he was never in the exhibition line up from the beggining and even though he was hurt, he acted like that in order to not show and not make the other part feel guilty. Now, after this all happened and everything went to shit, we then get to see that all along this was actually a big misunderstanding due to the lack of communication between them.

Did I understand it properly or did I get something wrong? (O∇o ")

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ October 3, 2023 2:04 pm

    If that's it, I think Damon would rather make people mad at him than to show others that he's hurt and mad at them, which is kinda sad. It kinda looks like he doesn't think his own feelings are valid :/

    sakuatsu October 3, 2023 2:43 pm

    this was actually a pretty good explanation

    Brie Uchiha October 3, 2023 6:26 pm

    Wow. I needed this break down honestly. Thanks

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ October 3, 2023 6:47 pm

    Hehe, I wrote it down bc I was confused myself but I'm glad I could help others understand ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    lukewarn_piss October 4, 2023 1:41 am

    holy shit i had NO idea what was going on i was just going along with the ride and hoping that once the story inevitable reaches its conclusion i could get it through whatever communication they had LMAO like this makes SO much sense omg

    Reincarnated_Trash October 4, 2023 2:58 am

    My speculation is Colton was setting up a special solo exhibit for an artist, and that artist is likely Damon. He mentions it briefly when he’s mulling over something in a chapter.
    Colton just didn’t tell him and so from there everything you’re saying is spot on from Damon’s perspective. Which is why Colton wants to explain to him, but Damon doesn’t want to hear it, he’d rather follow through on what he imagines people’s expectations are of him.

    The Lost Soul ✦ October 4, 2023 6:27 am

    This is the best explanation ive read so far

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ October 4, 2023 9:32 am
    My speculation is Colton was setting up a special solo exhibit for an artist, and that artist is likely Damon. He mentions it briefly when he’s mulling over something in a chapter. Colton just didn’t tell h... Reincarnated_Trash

    I agree with you, I also said that because on the painel, he says he wants to hold a solo exhibition for the artist he removed from the line up, which I believe it's Damon. Without knowing what's actually happening it kinda looks like Colton didn't trust him or that he never put his name there in the first place but when you realize what happened makes sense. If I could go inside this story I would just yell at them "TALK, TELL HIM, COMMUNICATE, LISTEN, HEAR HIS SIDE" because this wouldn't have happened if they just did that instead (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Titanium1223 October 4, 2023 2:13 pm

    The remaining vase I think is an extended metaphor. It’s the first vase that’s shown in frame where he was happy/satsified with the work itself. While the others are all blank/lack colour, the remaining one is starting to resemble his previous works shown, with the splash of colour. I think it shows he’s slowly beginning to trust/fall in love again. And even when he felt betrayed, it’s the only work he didn’t touch which I think is significant!!!!

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ October 4, 2023 3:07 pm
    The remaining vase I think is an extended metaphor. It’s the first vase that’s shown in frame where he was happy/satsified with the work itself. While the others are all blank/lack colour, the remaining one... Titanium1223

    That's a really good point, it makes sense
    ( ╥﹏╥)

    Noface October 6, 2023 3:12 pm
    My speculation is Colton was setting up a special solo exhibit for an artist, and that artist is likely Damon. He mentions it briefly when he’s mulling over something in a chapter. Colton just didn’t tell h... Reincarnated_Trash

    I forgot what chapter is but I remember Colton planned a solo exhibition for Deamon I think it was at the part where he was having a meeting with her boss after asking why Samone is missing from the list of artists and Colton said he had a planned It was on season 1

    Neptunian October 8, 2023 11:37 pm

    Yeah, that's basically it. The only thing I'm not sure about in your version is that I don't think Colton didn't trust Damon, since he was always so supportive and insisted a lot to make Damon start to produce pieces again. And as @Noface pointed out, he even had a meeting with his boss so she could trust him and hold Damon's own exhibition, taking him off the line up. So he really trust Damon's talent and wanted to support his work and his comeback, but since he's a dumbass bitch he just thought it was a great idea to not communicate with Damon, so here we are. But it makes a lot of sense what you gys are saying about Damon act this way and throw a tantrum all crazy just to hide how hurt and regretful he is about trusting Colton. Everything sucks i'm so sad that they as falling apart

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ October 9, 2023 8:45 am
    Yeah, that's basically it. The only thing I'm not sure about in your version is that I don't think Colton didn't trust Damon, since he was always so supportive and insisted a lot to make Damon start to produce ... Neptunian

    I assumed that because in that meeting (the previous chapter there's one panel flashback of it) he says he wants to hold a solo exhibition for the artist he had removed from the line up, implying at some point he removed Damon from the line up but you have a point maybe he removed him not because he didn't trust him and then changed his mind the more he got to know Damon and decided to do a solo exhibition for him to compensate but actually because he just changed his mind and wanted him to have a solo exhibition from the beggining. I hope the next chapter explain things instead of being just sex so we can understand the situation. About the tantrum, I do think it wasn't really a tantrum and it was more like auto sabotage due to poor communication with the bonus of a unhealthy coping mechanism, where he becomes the one in the wrong as to not show the other part he was hurting, so they won't feel bad for hurting him and make them feel like they're right for doing so. It kinda makes sense since he has trust issues (and maybe some inferiority complex) from being a recessive Alpha and his ex getting with his brother, etc all that and he seems to not think his own feelings are valid or deserve being heard, but this is just my own assumption, maybe he was really just straight up throwing a tantrum jssjsjs Still someone else pointed out here, that the only vase he saved was the one that looks like it was made inspired by Coulton so, that was really sweet, if it was really a tantrum it shows that even during that he still cares for him enough to not break that one vase, I'mma go cry in a corner now :')

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ October 9, 2023 8:50 am

    I love reading everyone's interpretation of things and talking to each other about the story. Thanks for everyone who replied, you guys are amazing ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Neptunian October 9, 2023 9:11 am
    I assumed that because in that meeting (the previous chapter there's one panel flashback of it) he says he wants to hold a solo exhibition for the artist he had removed from the line up, implying at some point ... ㅤㅤㅤㅤ

    I totally agree, Damon definaly gives me that vibe. I also hope that next ch is not just sex too, i need them to resolve all of this ASAP. And about the vase, the fact that Damon ends this ch breaking it also shows so much meaning to the story. I also love that we get to share our thoughts an comment again, i love interacting with people here since i don't have anyone in my life that also read BL