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please please someone help me find this work!!

sharon May 4, 2024 8:32 pm

really high rating, super angsty, school life, short manga about two students. one of them goes to the roof to escape from life, only to meet a guy who lives in the roof. he has a whole shelter (i think it was a tent? it would get blown away and stuff by wind and rain and they would have to hold it down together) and everything. they start hanging out there often. even sleeping together. bringing food. they kiss each other in the tent. they help each other when one of them is being teased for being gay in school. somehow the mom of one of the students found out, disapproves of the relationship, the other student gets slapped. somehow the student that got slapped falls off the roof (i dont rmb why or how), but he doesn't die. the story ends with the other student receiving a letter from the guy who fell off the roof years later that he is exploring somewhere, following his dreams, it isnt clear if he is alive, but its implied that he died (by the news that day? announcing an explorer had died?). i remember it had a very simple art style, very clean and korean, sort of in the style of those slice of life's. please help me find this it was so good!!

    7150 May 4, 2024 9:26 pm

    i searched the "tent" tag and it was right there among porn tentacles yaois lmao

    sharon May 5, 2024 3:55 pm searched the "tent" tag and it was right there among porn tentacles yaois lmao 7150

    u are a lifesaver. thank you so much!! p.s. i guess the tent was an important detail lmao