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So far the ml is complete trash, but I'm assuming it's a plot device for character develop...

Ruri May 16, 2024 8:19 am

So far the ml is complete trash, but I'm assuming it's a plot device for character development.
Him not forcing himself onto the fl when she said no was his one saving grace for me to keep reading. Him kissing and hugging her out of nowhere is pretty ugh, but I guess it's better than taking it further.
Honestly though, the artwork is good and most of it has been told through the ml pov so it's a little different from other stories similar to this. It also has me more intrigued with the fl, especially since we've only gotten glimpses of her past so far. The laws of the story are pretty easy to follow and I am interested to see how ml raises fl up from being a slave to being a politician, since that seems to be the direction the story is heading. I know him doing all that will spark the romance between them, which kinda sucks, but that's how most of these kinds of stories work out, what can ya do.
I'll stick around and read for a while longer to see where it goes mostly for the fl sake.
