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if those videos are posted.. he’s COOKED

vasya June 2, 2024 1:20 pm

they’re totally both gonna lose their jobs for this if this isn’t a short manhwa (ie. argument, resolution and confession, sex, End of Story) there’s no way those recordings are not going viral. They were shouting crazy shit and extremely nsfw details. Josh is a bigshot lawyer & the face of the company working with extremely important clients - imo at BEST they’ll move him to another location or demote him. After all, the most important thing to a company beyond the basics (profit) is its reputation and clients, and with his position Josh significantly represents the company. But Angel is literally a cleaner the company would be happy to replace, and the boss woman alrdy warned Josh abt the unprofessional workplace relationship, so tldr he’s cooked.

If this manhwa isn’t a super short one (ie. if it doesn’t end immediately after this makeup sex) this is gonna be a huge crisis imo. Maybe not the next immediate issue but I just feel like it’s gonna come up again.

    gRaSsTaStEsGoOd June 2, 2024 1:23 pm

    ikr? i'm anxious that it's going to become an issue in the later chapters and i don't want to see it

    cekaliCereaJr. June 2, 2024 3:05 pm

    Literally!! I got so anxious when I saw the bg charecters pullin put their phones brooo

    Boobs June 2, 2024 3:27 pm

    Danm your right i didnt think of that

    Gojosbadussssy June 2, 2024 3:43 pm