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Always pulling some bs

toilet terrorist June 24, 2024 6:24 pm

Finally an actual switch couple but then they put in the unnecessarily dick sucking while hes asleep CAN WE STOP WITH THE SOMNOPHILIA EVERYTHING ABOUT TS WAS GOOD EXCEPT THAT  I feel like authors cant help but slip in sexual assault the fuck wrong with these artists man can yall let me be happy

    toilet terrorist June 24, 2024 6:25 pm

    shit be so annoying cause i really fucked with andrew too (was the realest mf)

    Thickitymickity June 24, 2024 9:07 pm

    I mean it’s not SA if it’s consensual.. If it’s regularly Nathan most likely said he was into consensual somonophilia.

    toilet terrorist June 24, 2024 9:19 pm
    I mean it’s not SA if it’s consensual.. If it’s regularly Nathan most likely said he was into consensual somonophilia. Thickitymickity

    Sleeping people cant consent, so it'll never be consensual. Sleep play (as in fake sleeping) is the consensual alternative but sucking a sleeping persons dick is sexual assault cmon man it takes a google search to realise sleeping people cant consent You cant consent for your sleeping self either because sleeping people INHERENTLY cant consent. Quit trippin

    catii June 25, 2024 1:32 am
    Sleeping people cant consent, so it'll never be consensual. Sleep play (as in fake sleeping) is the consensual alternative but sucking a sleeping persons dick is sexual assault cmon man it takes a google search... toilet terrorist

    it’s THEIR relationship, they can set up the rules as they please. labeling something that is clearly within the bounds of their enjoyment and pleasure as SA literally is a large contributor to why people don’t believe real victims. stop diluting the severity of SA just because you don’t like people’s kinks.

    toilet terrorist June 25, 2024 2:11 am
    it’s THEIR relationship, they can set up the rules as they please. labeling something that is clearly within the bounds of their enjoyment and pleasure as SA literally is a large contributor to why people don... catii

    Sexual assault is objective man, your personal opinion doesnt cahnge the objectivity that sleeping people cant consent. Im not diluting the severity of SA im highlighting the value of what is actually consensual. Reality is often difficult.

    catii June 25, 2024 3:27 am
    Sexual assault is objective man, your personal opinion doesnt cahnge the objectivity that sleeping people cant consent. Im not diluting the severity of SA im highlighting the value of what is actually consensua... toilet terrorist

    SA is objective IN THE LENS OF THE VICTIM. yes consent is important but consent differs between parties and here no one is dying, no one is emotionally/physically traumatized. if two people enjoy something between themselves, a third party jumping in to call it assault is why so many people think that SA accusations is just because of sexual regret or a minor inconvenience.

    catii June 25, 2024 3:29 am
    Sexual assault is objective man, your personal opinion doesnt cahnge the objectivity that sleeping people cant consent. Im not diluting the severity of SA im highlighting the value of what is actually consensua... toilet terrorist

    and either way, this logic doesn’t even hold up because if sleeping people cannot consent, medical professionals would be getting sued left and right in spite of previously signed consent forms for operating on sedated patients.