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sorry, had 2 share this with somebody.

CrystalAris September 4, 2017 4:18 am

Saw the trailer for the new Thor movie....

Thor + Hunger Games..... no wait Gladiators? ... Maximus.....

Disney sure is milking old ideas....... ... ... must be desperate.

    I Thot You Was a Toad September 4, 2017 5:03 am

    Do you mean the one where he has to defeat Hella, the goddess of death, who has taken over Assguard? Also, the original Thor was a god of war, so a big romp through the wild world of intergalactic wrestling wouldn't really be that much of a stretch.

    I Thot You Was a Toad September 4, 2017 5:03 am
    Do you mean the one where he has to defeat Hella, the goddess of death, who has taken over Assguard? Also, the original Thor was a god of war, so a big romp through the wild world of intergalactic wrestling wou... I Thot You Was a Toad

    *ahem* Asgaard. (I never have autocorrect on. I don't know why it kicked in.)

    KikiBee September 4, 2017 5:54 am
    *ahem* Asgaard. (I never have autocorrect on. I don't know why it kicked in.) I Thot You Was a Toad

    *snickers like a 13 year old at "assguard"*

    I Thot You Was a Toad September 4, 2017 6:26 am
    *snickers like a 13 year old at "assguard"* KikiBee

    I died when that posted. I can see fanfiction writers making something out of it.

    takame September 4, 2017 7:57 am
    Do you mean the one where he has to defeat Hella, the goddess of death, who has taken over Assguard? Also, the original Thor was a god of war, so a big romp through the wild world of intergalactic wrestling wou... I Thot You Was a Toad


    I Thot You Was a Toad September 4, 2017 2:13 pm
    ASSGUARD LMAO takame

    I wonder why autocorrect always replaces with the worst possible alternatives. And by worst, I mean best and most unintentionally hilarious.

    takame September 4, 2017 3:06 pm
    I wonder why autocorrect always replaces with the worst possible alternatives. And by worst, I mean best and most unintentionally hilarious. I Thot You Was a Toad

    autocorrect has become a sentient being who has managed to read your subconscious and chose the appropriate word. it has probably been too influenced by the BLs you've read so watch out...

    I Thot You Was a Toad September 4, 2017 3:12 pm
    autocorrect has become a sentient being who has managed to read your subconscious and chose the appropriate word. it has probably been too influenced by the BLs you've read so watch out... ε=ε=(ノ≧∇�... takame

    But I never read BL manga on my handheld ...