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I can't stand it. I took my cat in for neutering this morning. I'm a wreck. He's four y...

raindragon March 11, 2018 2:10 am

I can't stand it. I took my cat in for neutering this morning. I'm a wreck. He's four years old and mostly feral. I feel guilty like I'm taking away all of his activities and routines, but he keeps coming home with infections from bite wounds, four this past year. One of them was so serious he would have died from it if I hadn't been able to give him illegal antibiotics. I'm afraid he'll die in surgery, or that he's being kept in a tiny cage and is going nuts trapped for many hours there at the animal hospital. Does anyone have anything to tell me that would make me feel a little better?

    Anonymous March 11, 2018 3:37 am

    It's better than abandoning your cats, just because it became a nuisance and you cannot be bothered to take care of it. You're trying to solve a problem, it's a coping method. You're not taking its freedom, and you're still a lovely cat owner.

    Anonymous March 11, 2018 4:01 am

    They usually have a medicine that keeps cats or other animals calm/doped up so they don’t hurt themselves or others when they are at the vets. My cat acted like a wildcat at the vet’s but after getting the drug (we mashed it into her food and she ate it) she was a lot calmer and was not afraid of being in the environment at the vets. Your cat should be fine and vets are extremely practiced at neutering fully feral cats as well.

    chey March 11, 2018 5:00 am
    It's better than abandoning your cats, just because it became a nuisance and you cannot be bothered to take care of it. You're trying to solve a problem, it's a coping method. You're not taking its freedom, and... @Anonymous

    it's also better than having him mate and then a litter of kittens coming out of that bc you have no idea what will happen to them esp if you're in a area with lots of careless people

    raindragon March 11, 2018 5:06 am
    They usually have a medicine that keeps cats or other animals calm/doped up so they don’t hurt themselves or others when they are at the vets. My cat acted like a wildcat at the vet’s but after getting the ... @Anonymous

    omg, is that for real about the calming drug? thank you so much. all of what you said really does make me feel better.

    raindragon March 11, 2018 5:10 am
    It's better than abandoning your cats, just because it became a nuisance and you cannot be bothered to take care of it. You're trying to solve a problem, it's a coping method. You're not taking its freedom, and... @Anonymous

    I really can't believe someone could abandon a pet. It's horrible, right? thank you for your nice words, and I loved "a lovely cat owner!" I'm thinking you are, too. ty

    raindragon March 11, 2018 5:16 am
    it's also better than having him mate and then a litter of kittens coming out of that bc you have no idea what will happen to them esp if you're in a area with lots of careless people chey

    in the next block from me there's a house where tons of feral cats are just spread out all over the front yard. My cat was going up there where there's constant fighting, spraying, and mating. the place smells, and I think the owner of the house probably means well and thinks they're being nice, but they're not caring for those cats at all, just feeding them by spreading dry food all over the driveway. My cat came home from there with four serious infections in the past year.

    Anon March 11, 2018 7:08 am

    Sorry for answering so late! Lol, but I did used to work at an animal hospital, so I can understand where a pet owner like you is coming from. The place that I used to work at would always have a separate room of cages for surgery animals and ISO pets, so if that’s the case, it is usually a pretty calm environment meant to prevent any stress. If your cat really is experiencing a lot of stress, as said in previous comments, there is a drug to calm the nerves. However, usually surgery can be done in the same day as they go home. Especially a cat neuter since they are pretty easy to do.

    You sound like a really wonderful cat mother compared to what I have seen. And you are doing a great thing as getting neutered removes the risk of unwanted pregnancies and testicular cancer. Other than that, please rely on your vet and their staff to complete their work, because animal saftey has always gone first in my book. Thanks for reading, and I give you and your cat, the best of luck! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    raindragon March 11, 2018 10:45 am
    Sorry for answering so late! Lol, but I did used to work at an animal hospital, so I can understand where a pet owner like you is coming from. The place that I used to work at would always have a separate room ... @Anon

    coming from someone who actually worked in an animal hospital, I'm really grateful for your answer. It really does make me feel better. I've been so anxious about this. thank you.