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yaoi manga title?

mishiranu_bito December 11, 2019 4:19 pm

Anyone know about this yaoi

I think the story about a salary man(seme) who have suicidal thought. The story goes like the seme call uke (i think uke some kind of host or prostitute) and say he will give uke money but the uke need to become his lover for 1 week (or 1 month i forgot). The uke dont believe seme will transfer the money but the next morning he check he already got the money, and then uke go to seme apartment. The seme a bit startled to see the uke fullfill his wish and thought uke will run with his money. Basically, the story about seme who set a condition if uke not fullfill his wish, he will kill himself but in the end uke always fullfill his wish and they falling in love each other
