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What's kind of vampire can grow?!?! (O_O;)

KyoZaNa✿ September 26, 2014 7:34 am

I was confused. It seemed like the author didn't clear the important puzzles. (+_+;)
- Who's Seth? Why did Ed have to keep going to see him? What did they do to get rid of the bad taste?
- After they exchanged blood, Phil should have become vampire, stopped growing up and started drinking blood. But he still grew up and ate normal food!?!? If he can grow then he will age too.

The librarian was Phil's good friend, taught him all sorts of things. The point of the librarian should be only made Ed jealous which caused them confessed their love. I don't want to think that Phil lured her to be Ed's meal as it would ruin this love story.

    medley May 11, 2015 4:56 am

    Replying to a year old comment, but oh well.

    - About Seth... Obviously, Ed trusts Seth and he doesn't hurt him. Possibly, Seth is also a vampire, since he cares for Ed in some way (gives Ed advice about Phil). Getting rid of the "bad taste," I'd presume, means eating Seth's blood.

    - The exchanging blood scene was very confusing to me, too. But the second chapter more than implied that Phil was still human--Phil said that he will someday grow old.

    - About the librarian and the cooking. They are all ways that Phil is becoming independent from Ed. When Phil was a child, he had to depend on Ed for everything. Ed was his everything.

    But now Phil is older and he can do things himself, he can make friends, he's aging like any normal human and he's living in the current time, whereas Ed is kinda out of it--he doesn't "fit" in with the current time and this frustrates him and creates a gap between him and Phil. Phil saying that his hands are bigger than Ed's now reinforces this, I think.

    Of course, this is all my opinion. I really loved this manga in the past and I read it a lot in order to better understand it. I'm so happy to have found it again--I still like it, but it can be very confusing to read. :(

    KyoZaNa✿ September 13, 2015 6:24 pm
    Replying to a year old comment, but oh well.- About Seth... Obviously, Ed trusts Seth and he doesn't hurt him. Possibly, Seth is also a vampire, since he cares for Ed in some way (gives Ed advice about Phil). G... medley

    HA+.. I was not really confused, it's just sarcastic... My bad
    Thanks for your long reply, that's so kind of you. (●'◡'●)

    KyoZaNa✿ October 17, 2015 6:51 am
    Replying to a year old comment, but oh well.- About Seth... Obviously, Ed trusts Seth and he doesn't hurt him. Possibly, Seth is also a vampire, since he cares for Ed in some way (gives Ed advice about Phil). G... medley

    My understanding..