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Seriously, this page should disable the "annoying" button ( ̄へ ̄)

Rosa April 14, 2015 11:11 pm

Seriously, this page should disable the "annoying" button ( ̄へ ̄)

    tokidoki April 15, 2015 1:25 am

    Ummm, why? It's not like it get abused (or at least not that often) and often is only used when people get insulting, truly offensive or abusive. Only rarely do you see it used otherwise and the comments are still available for viewing.

    Rosa April 15, 2015 2:17 am
    Ummm, why? It's not like it get abused (or at least not that often) and often is only used when people get insulting, truly offensive or abusive. Only rarely do you see it used otherwise and the comments are st... tokidoki

    It makes people feel bad when they express their own opinions and other people think it's "annoying" just because they don't share the same perspective. And I'm not talking about the insulting and offensive ones, I mean one's own honest opinion about something.

    For example: I commented "I like the twists and turns of all these stories" on the manga "Orochi", and there are 2 people who flashed it as "annoying". Like seriously, I'm just expressing my opinions. And just because it is different than yours, I am "annoying"??

    Honestly, people need to respect differences. I'm not asking you to agree with what I say, I just need you not to completely view it as an annoyance just because it does not fit your point of view.

    Oh, and look, 3 people already flashed this comment as "annoying". Why? I don't believe what I said is offensive nor abusive.

    tokidoki April 15, 2015 2:43 am
    It makes people feel bad when they express their own opinions and other people think it's "annoying" just because they don't share the same perspective. And I'm not talking about the insulting and offensive one... Rosa

    Yeah, some people can behave pretty childishly when defending their favourite manga, but it does help to weed out some of the more offensive stuff too. It's too bad some people can't be bothered to respond with their differing opinion instead of a thumbs down, but that kind of makes these these buttons a bit of a two pronged sword... (Someone did that to me once, and I thought "Did I offend?" then kind of shrugged and thought "Some people's children..."

    Rosa April 15, 2015 3:08 am
    Yeah, some people can behave pretty childishly when defending their favourite manga, but it does help to weed out some of the more offensive stuff too. It's too bad some people can't be bothered to respond with... tokidoki

    It would be great if the site can disable the "annoying" button, and instead creates a report option for the offensive stuff. I mean, it can actually ruin your mood for a while. Imagine you feeling so enthusiastic after reading a great manga and want to share your feelings, then you find out that your enthusiasm and feelings are "annoying". But I guess you're right, some people are childish :)

    ヽ(ヅ)ノ Lilas --❦--❀ April 15, 2015 1:33 pm

    Well I am sure than many do the same as I do, when I see a topic getting the annoying vote because the said person is expressing a view which isn't popular, I automatically vote the opposite to keep things even. Different views should always be kept or it will become boring otherwise, like talking to oneself in the mirror.