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jay's buzz cut created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

i love jaehee so much i think if dojun can upgrade him as his husband he wont go around running for a family cause jaehee alone makes up for all those assholes who abandon him i love dojun sm too I'll defend him he is my smart cutie patootie with soft tummy and a big heart this world cant appreciate him the way jaehee does PERIOD

this story is getting interesting and not in the same time like i don't see her exploring her power alot and there's not alot of rafael either idk maybe cause the plot has too much and none is explored enough and now there's a hot brother?? idk anymore I'll just go with the flow

it's not even the 60's anymore bro just learn safe bdsm and rail my dude's brain away without the fear of going overboard (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

jay's buzz cut created a topic of Kimidori
jay's buzz cut created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

THEY'RE SO FRICKIN CUTE i love cat taming boyfriends (they remind me of wanning and moran from erha )

jay's buzz cut created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

i like yeonwoo's reason for breaking up and how haesol is trying to open up at the same time. truly brings out the fact that people cant read your feelings. i wanna see haesol crying but it's not possible for now tho i hope she realise that she wants yeonwoo and not just the love he can offer

jay's buzz cut created a topic of Perfect Buddy

I honestly think it's very in character for hyunsoo to not accept youngchan's confession on the spot and that's what i like about them. they didnt use the power of love to resolve all the traumas they had before meeting e/o and they tried to become a whole person before entering into a comitted relationship. i prefer them over couples that believe their partners are the other halves of them

bro is still avoiding joining us rainbows in pride month i wish bro the best to fulfill his quest for a gf with big boobs

sanho is so loud i felt like closing my ears cause the capital dialogue stressed me out also tak you'll never make me like you but fuck if i dont feel butterlies when he nuzzles his cheek in sanho's hand ughh

getting carcel only at the 3rd time i hope our pretty inez will always be protected and surrounded by love from her equally pretty husband and future kids

pink hair has alot explaining to do... we're waiting here miss

this is dumb it could easily be a 9.5 above if it was polygamy

jay's buzz cut created a topic of Thirst: To Fill

im not usually invested in pornhwa but 1-10 (10 is my tolerance for these cheaters)

wife: 7/10, two of the partners were SA although her moral compass isnt clean and the guy from uni was more on emotional cheating. she's dumb tho got alot more time she can get away from this mess

husband: 1.5/10 i dont eat that perfect wife narrative he just an asshole and bro really go 1 more round ON HIS WIFE'S BDAY WITH HER WIFE'S BFF BIG F YOU (︶︿︶)=凸 also not enough info who tf he even wants cause dick is his compass

jongjae: 2/10, he's no better but he's a weird gentleman and good chemistry with wife although he's the reason why wife was in a whole mess lmao he's a bad person i wont trick myself

Bff:-3/10 straight up seduce your friend's husband and i dont think she was sorry at all + the husband wasnt even a good meal ?? and you still keep eating it she just like the seducing game fr bet this wasnt her first rodeo with a married man

the female coworker: 4/10 loyal in a freaking weird way but what is wrong with her and trying to babytrap every man ??? would like her to be with jongjae in another timeline i guess?

the university crush dude:5/10 not sure tho cause he's just lovesick but the way he's just another potential rapist when the wife was drunk during university scene. bad bed game too so yeah i really thought wife can leave the husband and pick him.

hyunbin: -20/10 bro didnt even need to be in the mess in the first place he could just go to a bdsm club and find a prostitute but he just wants to be in the drama cause they bad i wanna be bad too. also cant seperate private and work matter even his job quality sucks with him. also the blackmail stuff lmao he was just an excuse for author to incl their master kink

pls argue w me im bored

you guys can check this out too it's around the same premise of funny miscommunication and it's about gaming too!! and bonus part is it's office romance

seme have serious parental issues to think that once every 2 years is often

jay's buzz cut created a topic of Heart Racer

he's a sicko but he got the spirit i guess?? anyways taesung and jiho suit together cause that doctor is mine,he is too good for anyone in this story anyways

For a pioneer switch straight couples this is a reallyyyyy good story yall cant deny it and they are quite good at communicating their needs considering they only know each other like for 1-2 years?? to everyone who is considering to read this PLEASE TRY IT also atleast both of them are cuties i want to rail and be railed by any of them if this manga has no fans consider me dead ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭