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fai's experience ( All 1 )

25 11,2020
So a while back, I was listening to a song on loop and reading a manga at same time and right now I was looking for something to listen to and I found that song, and like I get an automatic flash back and I feel like I'm literally reading that manga right now. This has happened to me so many times, has this happened to anyone else? Also hope you gu......   1 reply
25 11,2020

fai's answer ( All 47 )

about question
My heart   reply
29 10,2023
about question
Depends on the day tbh, I either sleep 14 hrs or don’t sleep at all   reply
29 10,2023
about question
Jus cuz we read smut on here doesnt mean everyone wants to hear about kinks and genitals and jus vulgar shit in general that most ppl post just for shock factor it’s not about not wanting to be cringe   2 reply
29 10,2023
about question
29 10,2023
The brothers Grimm and the tigers curse series   reply
29 10,2023
about question
this shit is slander but whatever   3 reply
29 10,2023

fai's question ( All 2 )

Recently for the past few days I’ve had this HORRIBLE migraine, and I don’t usually get any sort of headache at all so this was a literal jump scare. It was so bad I felt like my brain was being stabbed and I would be sobbing and throwing up at 3 in the fucking morning. Like it was a 10/10 level of pain and I couldn’t even sleep or move my head much. I was lying in bed for daysss, actually going insane. It’s gotten better since yesterday but i would literally rather get hit by a car than feel that again.

Anyway, I was awake and decided to put something on to help me fall asleep cuz I felt like my head was literally about to explode and I needed a distraction. Completely random movie I would never usually watch, and the girl has fucking headaches and it turns out to be fucking brain cancer or something and she dies??? Like is this a sign cuz wtf
12 09,2023

People are doing

did cosplay

I cosplayed as nezuko once but know I wanna do Sanji or maybe even Boa

3 hours
did toxic friends

Hahaha I loved the part where she said I should stop following her around like a dog

3 hours
want to do cosplay

i'd make such a good jotaro kujo (pre testosterone, 5'8" trans guy)

13 hours