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iateurmom23's experience ( All 2 )

about question
I read that weird and depressing ahh thing on mrm of the 2 boys being preggie so I decided to see what the actual plot is about and I'm traumatized   1 reply
13 hours
about question
05 04,2024
Idk why but I now only like older men. Maybe bc of the anime I read/watch but middle-aged dudes with a mini beard that look sleep deprived get me creaming. Also, my recent obsession with man boobs and abs had gotton outa hand. I was at a restaurant or smth and saw a rlly hot, sexy guy walk pass me. He was like 30? I was simping harder than Sanji br......   5 reply
05 04,2024

iateurmom23's answer ( All 57 )

Your honor, he has a sad backstory   3 reply
1 days
Help I'm literally crying rn. What was the writer on???   3 reply
1 days
Bohemian Rhapsody + One piece   1 reply
2 days
I was just a curious teen   reply
10 days
Idk if anyone has mentioned this but the anime of Tokyo Goul. The first season was good but then just became random shit.   1 reply
10 days

iateurmom23's question ( All 1 )

I have seen too many people that simp for Zoro. He has shown up in too many edits of waifu's. Like, can't I just see hot women in peace?! Sanji though...
My bro is literally built different. Now he is actually invincible. And hot.
But and then I realized... Zoro's tits. Huge, juicy. I'm probably man titty sexual ngl. No Zosan bc Sanji is mine.
31 01,2024