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asscandy did ( All 1 )


asscandy's experience ( All 0 )

asscandy's answer ( All 78 )

Instagram honestly. The comments on certain videos are just horrendous and makes me wonder why it’s even still up. Twitter. Self explanatory. Not an app per say but a channel that spreads stupid right wing shit called PragerU. Like ik there’s more channels that do more like The Daily Wire. Anyways I just find them irritating and so obviously ......   reply
21 hours
Posted the same girl before but she always my favorite Haruhi needs no introduction Mumei and Yukina from Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress   reply
1 days
about question
What are you? A cop?   1 reply
3 days
about question
Well this one is obvious but I would make a story where the mc doesn't forgive the ml for being mistreated in their previous "relationship" despite the ml going through a character arc for the better. We see these types of toxic relationship so often that having the characters not being together in the end would be so so refreshing. Also, idk if ......   1 reply
6 days
Ik he’s a robot but he was just something in the movie for me. Come on…. She’s so baddddd….   reply
7 days

asscandy's question ( All 1 )

People are doing

want to do read 1000 manga or more

Read quite a few I want to start putting them on my account because I read so many

3 hours
did watch lgbt movie

My Marvellous Dream Is You - thai gl. 2 episodes so far but im liking it.

5 hours
want to do my first boyfriend

I fear that I am about to have my first boyfriend for my 19 years of life

9 hours