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orangeyeji's experience ( All 1 )

about question
orangeyeji 05 11,2023
Did yall watch the last episode ? What did you think about it ? I'm currently shaking and choking on my tears   4 reply
05 11,2023

orangeyeji's answer ( All 695 )

about question
This whole situation is sickening and everybody who supports Israel or doesn't care should die I don't understand how a human being can see what's happening right in front of their eyes and still act so insensitive. This genocide truly showed us how low humans can get   1 reply
2 hours
ERMMM I KNOW HE WAS TRASHY BUT HE IS ONLY 15-16 !!! Also his personality is related to his alter so it's not surprising he got anger issues !! He's not even that bad, I mean he could have followed Shigaraki or become a serial killer but he decided to be a hero! RISKING HIS LIFE TO SAVE PEOPLE, ONLY A GOOD MAN COULD DO THAT RIGHHHHHT??? And let's no......   1 reply
1 days
about question
I also freaking love Mitski and my fav song is currently I bet on losing dogs (it's mainstream but ong I'm a true fan lmao) Except Mitski imma choose New Jeans, I don't even stan them THAT MUCH compared to other kpop groups but music wise??? MY FAVS!!!!!!! I can kill for OMG and Cool with you   reply
1 days
They're just hypocrites and hate seeing women enjoying things lmao don't mind them   reply
2 days

orangeyeji's question ( All 6 )

I had mine today (movie date) and idk how to feel It wasn't bad and the person was nice but suuuuper shy and I am quite shy too so it got kinda awkward and I felt super weird when I got back home. Like I'm aro so obv I didn't expect it to be romantical, I just wanted to have fun with him (like we have on the phone) but once again he was too shy so yh I made the effort to fill in the blanks at 1st but it got exhausting anyway he said he would take me out again and I said yes hopefully it will be less awkward

Anyway how did you feel on your 1st date ? What did you do ?
14 04,2024
WHERE MY FELLOW AFRICANS AAAAAT !?!?! I don't even like football but it's the most fun competition eveeeeerAlso which country do you wanna see go ?? For me it's Algeria, Nigeria and Cameroon
19 01,2024
Which one would it be ?

For me all the stories by Haradaand who made me a princess (bc it’s my first webtoon)
03 06,2021
about shipping
It’s not obliged to be canon uwu
For me it’s Hanako and Nene I have never seen a ship that cute ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
16 05,2021
I just saw this on tiktok ~
22 04,2021