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Shadow answered question about question
*creepy horror music* Who will you meet in the shadow? A nightmare? A demon? A monster? A ghost? A god? A deadly choice? An enemy or an ally? Your salvation or your downfall? Which shadow will surround you? Find out in the new deadly addictive game, Shadow!
Shadow answered question about feels
I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better soon! Here's some cute pics to make you feel better.
Shadow answered question about question
Thank you for the form and I apologize in advance for the boring answers... Have a great day!
Shadow answered question about stay at home for several days
That's a cute setting! Anyways, I'm pretty easygoing, have my principles and beliefs, live my life by my own rules, also enjoy my hobbies and like animals and nature. Yep, I'm unique, just like everyone else is...
Shadow answered question about be a dumb bitch
Gonna dance in the rain and plan how to spend the money...
Shadow answered question about being helpful
If there's any wax left on your skin, remove it with oil, and then apply some baby cream like almond skin care cream. If it's in a bad state, then I advise you seek medical help. Good luck!
Shadow answered question about dating
Shadow answered question about you're a serial killer
Can it kill the random insects that enter my house...
Shadow answered question about mbti groupchat
So myself, but I'm already absolutely dead inside... so nobody.
Shadow answered question about mbti groupchat
Shadow answered question about question
Usually I do warm ups, about half an hour of biking and then exercises. But I also change it up sometimes, and instead go for swimming, yoga, sparring, hiking, rock climbing, or any other sports I enjoy so it doesn't get too repetitive. My motivation is being healthy and stay fit, even more so with the social distancing and staying at home, tho I s......
Shadow answered question about question
Almost all animals are adorable, but I'd say my favorites are cats.
Shadow answered question about grow eyelashes
When we were kids, my brothers and I watched a horror movie. So night fell and I went to my room, turned off the lights and got to bed to sleep. Suddenly something grabbed my leg, followed by a scream. I was freaking scared, screamed my lungs out and struggled violently, till I heard my brother's laughter and realized he hid in my room just so he c......
Shadow answered question about question
Can't you just work around that system tho? Do it once and make your first wish be unlimited wishes that could never be taken away under no circumstances. Then just make a wish to turn back time before you did it with Satan. Taa-daa loophole, you get unlimited wishes and undoing stuff you might've regretted.