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IERI's experience ( All 3 )

about question
this is probably 2 different manhwa please tell me the titleeeeee   3 reply
7 days
about question
03 04,2024
03 04,2024
I love you 사랑해요 i love you 사랑해요 i love you 사랑해요 i love you 사랑해요 i love you 사랑해요 i love you 사랑해요 i love you 사랑해요 i love you 사랑해요 i love you 사랑해요 i love you 사랑해요 i love you   3 reply
29 03,2024

IERI's answer ( All 6 )

about dating
tbh idrk why im single probably because i can't find someone to talk to and also i think i can't get over the girl I've had crus for about years lol we used to talk but she keeps getting a gf and when they break up she ends up talking to me again I WANT A GF/BF FUCK (im bisexual) im also awkward around new people and cant start a conversation with......   1 reply
13 days
lol i swear im not difficult to get along with ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ   reply
26 days
about question
idrc about peck since i do it w my friends most of the time (i do it to their lips w only masks on) but using a tongue is just disgusting and looks disgusting and yeah giving someone a peck with wet lips (saliva especially) is a no for me༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ   1 reply
14 04,2024
broke gay bitch   reply
09 04,2024
about question
why couldn't i be a guy ヽ(`Д´)ノ tbh i would fuck myself   reply
06 04,2024

IERI's question ( All 0 )