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off_by_popplio's experience ( All 0 )

off_by_popplio's answer ( All 16 )

about lmao
Several Questions, but hey sharks have two so-   reply
21 days
If this isn't bait I swear-   reply
06 05,2024
As someone else has said, these questions are really black and white, personally I do get angry but bottle everything up (haha BPD go brrrrrr)   reply
06 05,2024
Eeeeeey fellow asexual For me it'd be tall bottom with small/shorter top. Not necessarily age difference, just the erotism of getting absolutely plummed by someone who looks like would get the shit beaten out of by you. Oh, and omegaverse heats, ACTUAL heats. Not in the "oh, I'm horny let's fuck once and I'll be fine", more like "I'm a literal ani......   2 reply
16 03,2024
RIP where will they be holding the funeral? I'll send you flowers   reply
16 03,2024

off_by_popplio's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

Safe to say we are exes now lol.

43 minutes
want to do fix sleep schedule

sleeping when everyone else gets up is not it

5 hours
did i like crying

I've cried wayy too much over my exam period... shit coping strategy tbh

5 hours