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_FanGirl56_ created a topic of Secretary to Stage

I get their hostility but I feel like they’re missing the bigger picture here. Can they not even tell that they wouldn’t even be debuting in the first place if he wasn’t added into the line?? What does it matter who worked the hardest? It’s all gonna go down the drain if they force him out of the group??

This is really diferrent it’s kinda interesting. What confuses me here is if this will end with her loving her new family like all the rest of the reincarnation stories or if she’ll actually end up killing her father. I genuinely can’t tell.

How to get a lover like gongja. No- how to become lady silver lily. Wtf I’m actually so invested with their lovestory I forgot the original plot of this manhwa

_FanGirl56_ created a topic of Meet the Carters

Sweet home Alabama…but, well…I think there’s a limit even in Alabama

_FanGirl56_ created a topic of Jinx

Somebody hold me back. I’m about to kill some bald bitches.

Bro what was even the point of them? They’re literally just there to admire him and talk about how great he is without actually being helpful (and actually some are kinda a nuisance) since the author seems to think “strong female leads” end with them being described as smart/ strong but never actually showing that trait at all. I’m so sick of authors that can’t write a good female protagonist without turning it into an MC worshiping harem or becomes some kind of adaptation of “damsel-in-distress”. And the way they were trying to justify his “good-for-nothing” act…I thought it was satire but they really had to make it the most stretched out explanation, in the most cringiest way possible

He’s not gonna be able to stand once his grand duke sees that

_FanGirl56_ created a topic of Willow love story

Bro then what was the point of the ML’s whole plan if he was gonna be revealed like this anyway? Like damn just give sangyul a mic from ch 25-30ish and this manhwa would’ve ended by now

You know she fucked up when even Cliff who’s being controlled/ brainwashed got pissed at her

_FanGirl56_ created a topic of Eleceed

Crazy bastard talking as if Kartein was just being a difficult kid. Gave me the creeps. And lmfao he thinks he can live for another 20 years just to torture him when he looks that crusty. KAYDEN GO MURDER THAT OLD MANNN

_FanGirl56_ created a topic of Profundis

This better ends with them all kneeling at his goddamn feet cuz damn this is intense

_FanGirl56_ created a topic of F-Class Destiny Hunter

Omg bro pls just be happy for more than half a chapter

_FanGirl56_ created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

I can’t do this. It’s 3 am and this creepy bitch is out to give me nightmares

_FanGirl56_ created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

That was so straight forward I kinda got flustered lol

_FanGirl56_ created a topic of Transcension Academy

Honestly she’s so weak i don’t understand why he’s so adamant in helping her to that extent? She hasn’t exactly done anything for him nor is she useful in any way. If not for the fact that she’s related to the sword saint she’d have even less to offer her. I’m just so frustrated that the author decided to make her so incapable despite being that hard working. Now it just feels like she’s too dependent on the MC and would just be a crutch for the group.

Seeing the prince always manages to piss me off smh. His only sob story is that he never knew his mother, but he’s basically had everything else handed to him in diamond plates. Hell even his stepmother favours him above her own kid like wtf does he have to complain abt for him to be making everyone else’s live so miserable??

She got offended when she came to take her place then got offended when she lets her do her job

_FanGirl56_ created a topic of Ordinary Person A

So what I’m getting at is that he already claimed him since they were little and that’s why he’s unable to guide others and his scores appeared as a civilian?