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Elle ne parle pas francais did ( All 1 )

read more yuri

Elle ne parle pas francais's experience ( All 1 )

I hate studying y'all. Pls motivate to get my ass up (I'm sitting at my desk) to study my crap (i went to sleep at 4am last night cause i was studying). So if anyone else is suffering studying pls let's suffer together   5 reply
03 04,2024

Elle ne parle pas francais's answer ( All 246 )

about question
Yes and i love him   1 reply
1 days
Yeni ily ty and sadly i don't know any   1 reply
2 days
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I would save a person without getting money (if i was capable) so you bet i will if I get paid?????   reply
3 days
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It's not worth it. What part of it are you interested in?   1 reply
3 days

Elle ne parle pas francais's question ( All 29 )

about question

Does anyone know an alternate title or where one could read this? I cannot believe no illegal site has this.
This site has criminal ads on Instagram and now i NEED to know what happens next. Like i want to read one chapter more, then leave
18 hours
about question
Today is the finale and I had been looking forward to it since last year... anyone else boycotting it here?
I'm so heartbroken and I need some solidarity.
20 days
about question
How do people "invent" new usernames!??!
I'm so uncreative, i went by the same username for like 6 years before i changed it to the current one which I've also been using for 2 or 3 years by now.

Now i want to change it and I'm sooo lost. I'm letting chat gpt create names for me. But nothing is particularly good. I really need to change it tho cause irl friends know this alias and I'm redirecting them to mggo all the time and i really don't want them to know it's me.

How do y'all do it?
24 days
Hello y'all.
Tell me about books you hate, whether they're popular or not and why that is.
Please avoid spoiling anything or if you do mark it properly.
Let's have a little yapping session ~
29 days
What old webcomics that y'all remembered to be good ended up being trash upon a reread?
For me it's Caste heaven and Ten Count.
26 04,2024