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sooyoungie's experience ( All 2 )

update: he got into the car when it was my turn driving and I crashed the car into a pole (idk how I lost my focus, don't ask, anyway I could see him staring through the mf ing mirror) update 2: today, I got scolded by my instructor and was kicked out in front of him and a whole damn croud, (everyone was looking at me w pity) and then there was hi......   6 reply
17 04,2024
Back in sixth grade, I would watch Korean dramas and read shoujo comics. Having grown bored, one day, I started reading comics from the BL section of webcomics/manga toon apps. Later, I would watch YouTube edits of those dramas/series featuring Hindi or English songs, and that's how I came across the edit featuring a man and another man. I actually......   1 reply
28 11,2023

sooyoungie's answer ( All 23 )

Stranizza d'amuri or Fireworks (2023) (based on real life incident) A sunbaked Sicilian town in the summer of 1982 provides the vivid backdrop to this tender romantic drama about two teenagers who fall in love, but much to the disapproval of those around them. Gianni is a handsome but shy teen who works as a car mechanic at his stepfather’s gara......   reply
22 04,2024
bold of you to think that I wud have one   2 reply
19 03,2024
giant seme x twink uke; I hate the size difference so much   1 reply
19 03,2024
about question
  1 reply
05 03,2024
A solid 10/10!!!   1 reply
25 02,2024

sooyoungie's question ( All 0 )