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Fatherfucker's experience ( All 0 )

Fatherfucker's answer ( All 17 )

about question
I mean... as long as you can distinguish fiction and reality and don't drool like a rabid dog whenever two males interact, it should be fine. As long as you aren't thinking about gay sex 24/7... there really shouldn't be any problems.   1 reply
28 days
about question
playing with my older brother that one day. We built nests under the couches and tried to 'fly' like bats. And when we got exhausted, we cuddled on the bed watching Harry Potter. He even made me a seaweed rice ball. That night, he passed me the fake pistol and told me that I was the commander now. That was the last time we ever played like that......   1 reply
29 04,2024
Fatherfucker 28 04,2024
The girl who leaped through Time (anime movie version), Ponyo, Wolf children, Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind.   reply
28 04,2024
People who ask for advice but never follow it, then complain about the consequences. You made your bed, now lie on it.   reply
28 04,2024