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Senshi's panty shots created a topic of Profundis

Gosh his power is so scary

As much I want to see the baby, Euihyun still not mentally prepared for that:(

Senshi's panty shots created a topic of Forest Sea
Senshi's panty shots created a topic of Salty Lust

I feel like I just got hit and run

Senshi's panty shots answered question about character obsession
It WAS good at the beginning but only beginning This shit too I really thought they gonna be a cute devil x human trope but nahh

I knew his brother is a bad news when I first saw him in the modern time, poor little sister tho she didn't even know his brother was vanished from the palace for a long time:/

I knew his brother is a bad news when I first saw him in the modern time, poor little sister tho she didn't even know his brother was vanished from the palace for a long time:/

first time I seeing a split tongue (?) Character
Too bad is not a good story (/TДT)/

It was good but bad but not that bad but not that good either ( ̄∇ ̄")

What chapter is the latest episode in anime????

Jokes on you he'll become so powerft bc u trow him the water:^]

Senshi's panty shots created a topic of Arthur

Sorry but Arthur already have a owner (︶︿︶)=凸

Why the hell his so weak when the other emperor is stronger than him

Senshi's panty shots created a topic of Full volume

I really miss there bdsm play