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2024-01-12 13:47 marked
Here you can read chapters 54 and 55
2024-01-11 01:30 marked
Who the fuck kidnap someone so they could work for them?????!!!!!!
why no one kidnapping my unemployed ass??? I really could use some kidnapping for a job in this economy
2024-01-01 10:04 marked
he's literally about to explode in every chapter because of his libido but he still doesn't force himself on the bottom!!!! be like him!!!!

anyways, its just so funny to me how manga/manhwas when in pov of the top, is always just them head over heels for the bottom trying not to jump on them on every minute. its nice, i need more stories written in the pov of the tops.
2023-12-31 11:04 marked

Here U Are is finally on Webtoon but their names are in korean!?! Like wtf WHO IS HYEONHO, WHO TF IS HYEONHO. THIS IS SO UPSETTING, some ppl will know them as their korean names and will think that Here U Are is a manhwa (korean) rather a manhua (Chinese). Idk it feels so wrong, it feels like those tiktokers rebranding Chinese cultures/trends as so......

2023-12-30 10:25 marked
people in these comments both need to understand this is a nuanced topic. That said, I support sex workers because they are people and because they are human beings who deserve to feel safe no matter what their job is. It's not our fault that men have created a lucrative market out of objectifying ourselves, but I don't think it's an occupation that we should desire to push on to newer generations. in this plot we don't know if the uke actually chose this profession slash side hustle on their own with a healthy mentality or if they were groomed into it like other stories. It is important everyone approaches a situation with an open mind especially since we only have one chapter out but also be mindful and do some research before you go advocating as if it is empowering. Social media has also influenced many young women into thinking this profession is peak empowerment when in reality for most cases sadly prostitution normalizes the commodification of women/men and if you do your research theres a long list of resources on how the porn industry affects women, LGBT+ and POC - including testimonies from MANY women who were previously in the porn industry. In my country thousands of girls go missing every month and these unsolved cases are led to believe many of these missing young people are being trafficked. The percentage of people who actually are mentally healthy and want to do this is extremely small
2023-12-18 08:57 marked
So I know it's generally said not to judge a book by it's cover (or manga in this case). But everytime I've seen a GL's manga with 3 people on the cover, the person behind the main character never ends up with them. It's always the person the main character is facing. Also saw someone said people don't know the difference between love triangles and love interests. So I think the love interest comment makes the most sense in terms of this trend I've been seeing. In the beginning though I always thought it was love triangle because how some stories start off and I always wondered who they would end up with, but sure enough by the end, it always ended up where the person in the back was never anything serious. Either simply a good friend who had a crush, or just a love interest that didn't build much of a spark as opposed to the person they are staring at. Maybe it's all just nonsense on my part lol but sorry for the long response.
2023-12-14 00:44 marked

"L" from dead note

2023-11-19 21:45 marked

the ultimate dilf, babygirl, twink, anime woman and should be the ultimate sexyman

2023-11-19 21:44 marked

Omg I accidentally deleted my response But here’s a sketchy sketch since I don’t draw fast (did have fun w this tho)

2023-11-07 05:01 marked

2023-10-31 01:13 marked

stop tryna act scandalised this is literally the gay sex website

2023-10-29 03:25 marked


2023-10-25 00:44 marked

you sound so insecure, trolling or not I doubt u believe differently from the way u said "Ya'll r just a bunch of attention whores who fake being gay for acceptance/all that bl yall read cause ya'll hate women in reality, and are nothiing but straight cis het women..." im not a lesbian, but the way you believe everyone should enjoy women the way y......

2023-10-10 23:27 marked
Who's who: groups & characters in the story –

The Mercifuls- a powerful gang that deals internationally in drugs (crystal meth) and weapons. Currently the top gang in the New York City (NYC) area

Royal Roader: an automobile-themed casino. Also used to launder money (hide the origins of money gained illegally- in this case, cash gotten through drug deals). Owned by Ross Trautvein

Mass- a computer-savvy money laundering gang. All members but one were killed during a drug transaction between The Mercifuls and Ross Trautvein. The lone survivor and the one who killed his fellow gang members was Gren Heims, former foster-brother to Shingun Moon. The cash they were transporting went missing. Later, it was revealed that CIA operatives confiscated the money before police arrived on-scene

Lump Spark: an automotive service center. The CIA used the shop as bait to draw in the owner of Royal Roader. Jake Gillan helped Shin get his job there

CIA: Central Intelligence Agency- a civilian foreign intelligence service of the federal government of the United States, officially tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world, primarily through the use of human intelligence and conducting covert action through its Directorate of Operations [Wikipedia]

Translation of the above bullshit definition of the CIA: a spy agency that will do pretty much anything drastic if they feel something threatens the security of the US

NYPD: New York Police Department. A fine law enforcement institution with several corrupt members being paid-off by the Mercifuls, Ross Trautvein, AND the CIA. This is what happens when politicians cut budgets

Unnamed motorcycle gang: a rival gang that was attacked and had members killed by the Mercifuls. Led by man named Mateo

The Calvin Skylars: another rival gang. Not much info on them yet, but The Mercifuls are their enemy

Costco: fifth largest retailer in the world. A good place to buy personal hygiene products, slippers, and lubricant in bulk. Also known for giving out free samples, though Shin and Jake only got samples of each other


Shingun "Shin" Moon- orphaned and brought up in the foster care system. His drug-addicted foster-parents scammed the system to get payments for fostering children, but neglected and abused the kids. Shin later turned an interest in cars into well-paying job, but his ex-boyfriend had him arrested and then black-balled from the automotive industry. This left him unable to get employment and led to him being back out on the streets, hustling for money. That is how he met Jake- he tried to hustle him

Jake "Jay" Giilan- a high level member of The Mercifuls, but he is also an undercover CIA agent working secretly to take down gangs and to root out corrupt government officials. He is known as a cold-blooded killer, but he only kills members of gangs as part of the CIA’s mission to eliminate them. Jake's assignment is to infiltrate and provoke gangs into taking each other out. Shin currently doesn't know that Jake is a spy

Benille- Mercifuls underboss, he also has a side fashion business and dresses flashy. He is higher level than Jake in the gang. Jake’s strategies that put The Mercifuls on top and his willingness to kill without hesitation is why he is trusted by Benille. Recently, Benille noticed Jake acting suspiciously out of character (appearing in a soiled shirt, being late when he is NEVER late, etc.) and gave him a not-so-subtle warning. He may not look like it, but Benille is extremely dangerous

Ross Trautvein- spoiled son of a wealthy politician and owner of Royal Roader. He is also a major drug dealer, with clients in high level positions- one of them being Senator Connor. He is also bribing government officials along with members of the NYPD to help cover up his illegal activities

Harry Wilde: front man for the Royal Roader. A pervert who has a thing for dark-haired men. Both Shin and Bukovitz shudder whenever Harry-- on second thought, let's just forget about Harry

Caesar- also a CIA agent, working undercover as a mechanic at Lump Spark. She reports on any activity involving Ross Trautvein. Jake is also using her to keep tabs on Shin, but her genuine concern over Shin's well-being bothers Jake, who feels she is getting a little too close to Shin

Izmel- a bearded man with a forehead scar, he's another CIA agent who is also working undercover as a member of The Mercifuls. He appears to have the position of being one of Benille’s bodyguards, so he is able to gather valuable information on the gang

Rolfe- CIA Director. She is Jake, Caesar, and Izmel’s boss

Gren Heims- Shin’s former foster-brother. As foster children, he and Shin were used as drug runners for small gangs (passing drugs and bringing back payment). Gren found gang life attractive and unlike Shin, he embraced it, becoming addicted to drugs. He’s flitted between gangs, most of them violent, and has done jail-time for blackmail and robbery. Like Jake, Gren is a cold-blooded killer. Unlike Jake, he kills to benefit himself. Gang-life environment and drug use has profoundly damaged Gren both mentally and physically

Liam- owner of Lump Spark. Loves money and free donuts. Has no clue the CIA is using his shop for their operations

Oren- Lump Spark mechanic. His physical appearance reminds Shin of Gren

Bukovitz- Lump Spark mechanic. Bearded, huge and intimidating, Shin thought he was a Merciful gang member at first. A gentle man who loves dogs and elephants

Hosung- one of Shin’s friends, he’s a butcher and resident of Chinatown in NYC. He’s also an informant for the NYPD and has a circle of hacker friends. Shin did something to save his life once, so feels he needs to pay Shin back a “long time”. He is currently helping Shin find out who and what Jake really is

Mateo- Leader of the unnamed motorcycle gang. His brother was killed in a past attack by The Mercifuls, but in some deal unbeknownst to The Mercifuls, Jake spared the life of his brother’s son, so Mateo owed a debt to Jake. Jake used the debt to have motorcycle gang arrange a drug transaction with Ross Trautvein, whose reputation as a dealer is now in shreds. Mateo’s gang intends to get their revenge on The Mercifuls, but they aren’t strong enough to pull it off alone. If they combine their forces with Ross Trautvein and another gang called the Calvin Skylars, they’ll have an even chance of winning. Jake is doing what he can to bring that gang war on

Senator Connor- faceless (so far) politician who has illegal dealings with Ross Trautvein and is now a new target for the CIA

Austin Mel- Shin's ex-boyfriend, who had Shin arrested for assault. Shin punched Austin for trying to force him into doing a sex act he didn't want to do. He's a backstory character and if he knows what's good for him, he'll stay that way

Hot Dog Man- always seen holding a hot dog in front of his open-wide mouth, but never seen actually eating it. Possibly searching for bigger hot dog
2023-10-01 18:17 marked

Some comments in the comment section completely miss the point and are so hard to read without cringing from the sheer ignorance they display. There were only a few reasonable comments which actually understood what OP is saying. TL;DR: Fiction can affect reality. Yaoi being porn or fiction doesn't exempt it from criticism. Every genre, every s......

2023-09-26 04:30 marked

Y'all will never guess mine. Guy dies and gets taken into hell by his butler who is a demon and slowly gets turned into a succubus. He needs to 'eat' so he is fed by his demon butler who fucks him on the couch, the bathtub etc. uncensored.

2023-09-04 07:48 marked

Howdy! I don't declare myself as smart but I do work to get my grades/cgpa "smart" not hard ;⁠) (Grad from the top uni in my country, majoring in genetics with a cgpa of 4.00 (⁠^⁠v^⁠)) It depends on where you are studying right tbh (either college or highschool) If you're in college/university, 1. Never trust anyone's notes. I'm a lazy ......

2023-08-31 11:04 marked

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