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Yoohan created a topic of Cozy Obsession

Baby there isn't a piece on the fork what are trying to feed him

Yoohan created a topic of Drick's Heat

I didn't expect the plot to thicken so much it's surprising gooodddd

Plz give me the novel linkkkkk...

Yoohan created a topic of Drick's Heat

Jahid baby you are the man

Yoohan created a topic of Flip the script

Why does uke look like a giraffe in the cover?? I can't unsee it lol

Yoohan created a topic of WindBreaker

Plz be careful this weirdo now gonna stick to you

Why did you block your ears you foollllllsssss
If I was there I would record Dr. Kang's honey like voice play it on repeat while i-

Yoohan answered question about question
I'm gonna leave this here.... I'm gonna dump them all here when I remember:
Yoohan created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

Girl why are you wearing heels????

Wasn't she empress consort? Not empress dowager??? Is it a mistake?

Yoohan created a topic of Prejudice

What's a cold repellent soup???

Day 58 asking Dr. Kang's hand in Marriage.
Please marry me be my bride

Yoohan created a topic of Flip the script

ML grandpa seems very decent I hope he beats some sense into ML

Yoohan asked a question

Guys can you recommend me some spiritual books? I need to gift it to a friend who is avid reader reader of spirituality...

Yoohan created a topic of Be My Baby

I wanna be their baby

Yoohan created a topic of Acting Genius, TOP Idol!

I wanna ride the ceo

Yoohan created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance

What should I do guyz I am in public transport and grinning like an idiot they are looking at me I can't stoooopppppppp
Where can I find a man like himmmmmm

Yoohan answered question about read 1000 manga or more
Guyyzzz...hear me out.... Go to this one's comment section.... The fandom is unhinged...