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Gemma's experience ( All 0 )

Gemma's answer ( All 9 )

about question
The hardest parts are starting and consistency. Find a workout you like and set a measurable goal for yourself. Then plan out what your day would look like to achieve that goal and follow it.   reply
29 days
Gemma 01 05,2024
I don’t dream of work.   reply
01 05,2024
about question
I have no discipline either but what helps the most is sitting down and getting started. Try to have a separate space, music playlist, flavor of gum etc. For when you’re studying so that you can Pavlov’s hound yourself into being focused (I’m sure there’s a better term for this…something conditioning??)   reply
18 04,2024
about question
The thing about this is you’re playing by typical gender rules. You can put on an oversized shirt and cargo pants and go out with no makeup regardless of your gender. I’m sure the people who are judging others (including you) will do so either way. If you’re stressed out about having to put in so much effort you need to find a better balance......   1 reply
18 04,2024
about question
Akumakira and jujucat for uploaders and Being-you makes the best lists   reply
30 03,2024

Gemma's question ( All 1 )

Gemma 01 05,2024
How do you build self control when it comes to reading manga/hobbies. Literally procrastinating and I can’t get off this site. When I do get off I find a different distraction. Any tips on how to have more discipline?
01 05,2024