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Can someone recommend me something that’s similar to this :)
2023-11-26 08:05 marked

isn't this a Bella Delphifine song or am I tripping

2023-11-23 03:33 marked
A big puppy green flag top would be nice
2023-11-17 08:44 marked
give me bl/shounen ai's with insane level of sexual tension between the mc and ml. preferably if its action genre but i dont mind other types!
2023-11-17 08:43 marked
It's a webtoon that mostly uses grayish (black and white) colors(?). Most notably their eyes were the only one with color. The top is athletic while the bottom has super memory. It also has zombie apocalypse in its theme.

Thank you (⌒▽⌒)
2023-11-17 08:42 marked
looking for this BL Manga where the uke was crying in front of the church while his friend or bestfriend is getting married.

would also love to know more BL Manga (only) with the uke seeing their unrequited love getting married or at least getting with others.
2023-11-17 08:41 marked

I translate mangas and it personally gets on my nerves when they get translated as only making like one or a couple noises throughout the whole scene, uke constantly going “Ah! Ah! Ah!” sounds like a bad porno actor and it really takes me out of it. There’s so much onomatopoeia, spice it up a lil, ya know? For examples: Mn Hnh Haah Hng Mmmff......

2023-11-17 07:33 marked

2023-11-15 08:32 marked

Love tractor: Umibe no stranger: Vampire Beru and Ghost Aki: A perfect 10 Runner up (straight 9) The Vampire and The Zombie: Ni Jiu:

2023-11-15 08:08 marked

This is it:

2023-11-06 18:15 marked
Can anyone recommend some stories where there’s full sexual tension between couples but they never really do it until after some time? (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
2023-10-25 09:08 marked

Eyes/staring/watching. A lot of pics from Night Song because they illustrated it so well hot damn.

2023-10-25 09:05 marked
I tired of humongous dicks and semes who wouldn't take no for sex.. It's boring now..
2023-10-13 09:54 marked
thank you to the 2 person who recommended this to me, i love it so much! T-T no wonder it’s good it’s the same author as hood me tight
2023-09-14 17:22 marked
Yeah so basically Avel tribe descended from the black shark and Tukiri from the white. This happened as a result of the sharks mating with land goddesses. The children of both sharks were born. While the child of Tukiri’s tribe was proud to be apart of the sea…the child of Avel’s tribe disliked the floor of the sea(where the black shark lived) and remained on land the rest of his life. So in order to keep the wish of his ancestor, Avel’s father and those before him colluded with the chief’s of the white shark and made up stories in order to keep the descendants of the black shark away from the sea and therefore keep them as human. So long as the children of Avel’s tribe don’t take the blood of sharks, they will remain human once they reach adulthood. Avel swapped blood with Tukiri as a child so his dormant shark is beginning to awaken. Basically
2023-09-13 20:10 marked

Graduated with honours, are you sure you want my study tips? They aren’t fun but they really worked for me. It’s time management and organisation. Being strict with yourself even when you don’t want to be. 1. I stopped reading for pleasure during term. 2. Everyday I rewrote (typed on PC) my lecture notes with extra key points from the t......

2023-09-09 02:31 marked yeye woop Bout to binge that shiii

2023-09-08 22:00 marked
Funny how I already saw the raws and odnt remember this scene lol.
So cute
2023-09-06 09:11 marked
I’ll get straight to the point and say when it comes to this story, both parties weren’t in their right state of mind for either to claim rape. Neither wanted it and it was just in their nature since it’s Omegaverse ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
That is all there is to it and I think it was handled well.

On the topic of rape in media, I would like to discuss fiction vs morality and how that line is interchangeable. I’ve been reading BL on this website for 5 years, I’ve been reading other romance manga way longer. We’ve all seen the same thing over and over. Rape is normalized in yaoi culture, it’s the truth whether you like it or not. You can say that you can tell fiction from reality but that only shows where your morals lay. Do you enjoy it? Is the normal stuff boring? Do you need something more exciting? Why is it ok in fiction for someone to be forcibly taken against their will? So you can get off?
Let me use a different perspective: gore. I love horror but do I enjoy torture gore? Of course not and most people who do don’t turn out to be the best of people. People who glorify gore in media usually end up harming someone else. People who are desensitized to gore still, say it with me now, SEE IT AS A TERRIBLE THING. This is especially the case in rape in media and why it shouldn’t be glorified. YOU might not even THINK about harming someone in that way but because it’s so normalized others think they can do the same. This is an especially sad case in BL media as women glorify it to such a disgusting extent, but let it be a woman in that place and suddenly it’s a problem.
This is especially disgusting when a child is involved. There is no separation of fiction and reality when you acknowledge what you’re reading is wrong. Do you enjoy reading child porn? Even if it’s fictional, do you find it ok? If your answer is yes then I would like to direct you to a book called Lolita, where a little girl is raped by her step father. She thought it was consensual so it must be fine bc it’s fiction, correct? You people only excuse it when it’s attractive young men/boys bc you’re perverts. Read as much smut as you want, I won’t judge you for indulging in lust but who you are as a person is shit to me when you erase your morals to get off. I don’t care if you’re a woman reading BL as I am one doing the same but rape should not be normalized in this type of media.

I’m not usually the type to complain, I just wanted to get this off my chest. I usually tag it as “Do not read” and move on. I will not be replying to any comments under this as it is just a rant. If you have a problem, downvote and move on bc I will not being hearing you out. I’ve already heard the same argument over, and over, and over again. It’s just frustrating not being a bale to enjoy a media I used to enjoy a lot.

(I would also like to point out that Lolita is a great book in the POV of the child’s predator, framing him as the bad guy the entire book but when it was made into a movie it made the little girl a temptress who seduces her step father bc critics couldn’t see that it was demonizing pedophila. Critics saw it as a romance instead which is another point I would like to make.)

Fuck you rape normalizing mfs. If you don’t excuse pedophila in media why do you enjoy rape? You’re just as bad as the incels on Twitter who tweet abt their 3000 year old waifus who look like literal infants. Idc talk to a wall or block me.
2023-09-02 11:33 marked

Howdy! I don't declare myself as smart but I do work to get my grades/cgpa "smart" not hard ;⁠) (Grad from the top uni in my country, majoring in genetics with a cgpa of 4.00 (⁠^⁠v^⁠)) It depends on where you are studying right tbh (either college or highschool) If you're in college/university, 1. Never trust anyone's notes. I'm a lazy ......

2023-08-31 10:30 marked

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