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vasya January 23, 2024 6:47 am

Ok guys, do u think this will be enough to snap Dan out of it and make him stop liking JK? Or do you think he’ll just be a little upset but still keep liking him (and it’ll be something else that breaks him)?

I ask this bc as a 후회공 manhwa, JK is eventually going to push Dan too far and regret it (regretful top), so I’m just wondering what we all think Dan’s idea of “too far” will be. Maybe it’ll be one single event that pushes him away, or maybe it’ll be a culmination of all of this shit and something causes him to re-evaluate and decide he doesn’t want this, etc.

I’d say a 50:50 chance this is what snaps him out of it tbh - this whole present thing was a big deal to Dan and he sacrificed a lot of money and effort for this and had it quite literally thrown back in his face. The things JK said sort of confirmed what that ex-partner said to Dan a few chapters ago abt Dan not being special (etc) and although he came back from it then and back to liking JK (basically in denial), he might think back and make the connection more seriously now. He looked miserable and embarrassed during this chapter. It probably hurt more than it otherwise would have bc they had the more consensual (tho JK was drunk & we’ve had this confirmed now by c45) n sweet sex literally the night before, so the contrast is wild and he’s been shown how he COULD be treated.

BUT, that being said, bro is in DEEP. Whenever shit like this happens he manages to rationalise it and get back to liking JK, so I feel like there’s a chance he’ll just be sad for a bit but then go back to liking him. Maybe instead it’ll happen at a HUGE moment like if JK’s injury gets too bad and he loses his matches and is absolutely enraged, he’ll finally push Dan too far & have ultimately lost everything. Will probably also have something to do with his grandma passing.

What do u guys think?

vasya January 13, 2024 2:41 pm

Ok so knowing that it’s a “regretful top” (후회공) subgenre, things are presumably gonna blow up sooner or later and Dan will have had enough / JK will eventually go “too far” in Dan’s book (he’s already gone too far in earlier chs, but I mean from Dan’s rose-tinted perspective lmao).

So as for predictions from ch44, it depends on if he really was drunk or was just faking it.

1. If not drunk: If he was just faking it, the story will probably gradually transition to JK being softer towards Dan. He’s been paying attention to Dan being rlly tired and all (and his injured hands) out of nowhere in the last couple chs, so this is a possibility. Eventually something will happen which ruins this softer/kinder relationship, and it will be JK’s fault and he will be begging for Dan back (as the 후회공 plot goes).


2. If drunk: JK will not remember any of this and Dan will just be the one holding onto the memories of JK being somewhat sweet (ch44). JK will continue treating him as normal (aka not well) as if this never happened which will obv be painful for Dan as he’s now experienced the alternative & knows what he’s missing out on


3. If drunk: JK will remember and it’s gonna make him act worse cuz he’ll be angry abt it (or something), and Dan will feel it like a slap in the face bc he’s treasuring this moment. I don’t think it’ll be severe enough for it to be the main turning point (Dan is in deep lmao) but it will just be another painful thing in a line of miserable experiences. Dan also still hasn’t given him the present. I feel like if it’s this scenario JK will probably mock it to hell and throw it out or something if he’s already enraged.

(This is not a spoiler btw - just predictions).

Personally I think this is all leading up to JK’s career getting absolutely fucked by his injury and his relentless pace of fight after fight.

There have been so many references to this being the outcome already, with Dan thinking abt the state of JK’s injury after his big match and the team talking about how scary it is that he’s just doing fight after fight & how he’s going to end up with a serious injury & he (JK) probably won’t be able to handle it mentally. He’ll be so angry (u see it now with how he acts, with the exception of scenes like ch44) and Dan will try to be there for him (either before JK loses everything or leading up to it) that eventually he just treats Dan so badly (probably something big will happen, like 1 big event) that JK loses him and has to beg for him back

    hangesimp88 January 13, 2024 2:48 pm

    do you know any other 후회공 만화? 차즈고 있는데 몃게밖에 못찾았어요 TT

vasya January 9, 2024 11:10 am

So the FL and her brother witnessed a big reveal that the FL looks almost identical to the prince’s (abusive) mother (gonna call him ml for now but I don’t think we know for sure atp)… But isn’t the FL’s reaction kind of strange?

Essentially the FL’s reaction was “oh maybe this is why he persecuted our family, bullied my brother etc, in my past life, though it doesn’t excuse his actions” (since they look like the ML’s ABUSIVE mother). That’s a reasonable thought. But then she completely glosses over the fact that the ML is romantically attracted to what is basically the identical twin (FL) of his mother. If this was me I’d be so freaked out and weirded out…. Like what?????!!!!! I look just like ur mother and u wanna GET WITH ME????? Hello Freud…

    Sobbingcyringspitting January 9, 2024 12:39 pm

    No exactly girlie is your brain part of your hair or smthing looks like you threw a whole bunch of it out in the beginning now the magical hair isnt working

vasya January 3, 2024 10:10 pm

Idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not BUT:
Sure that random ex-sex partner of JK was rude in his delivery & with the dark and grim coloring of the panels and the way he was smirking cruelly we’re probably supposed to hate him as if he’s some jealous hoe (note the overuse of green in the panels) trying to drive a wedge between our MC and ML~, but oh my god Dan NEEDED to hear that

“You and I are no different”, “don’t be an idiot, and delude yourself into thinking you’re special”, “to him, we’re tools and nothing more”, “once he gets sick of you, he’ll toss you to the curb. Just like all the others” (some things he said to Dan)

^ Not one word of a lie lmao I thought this might be some sort of turning point for Dan since it seemed to make him face reality for a moment, but then when JK was leaning on him at the end of Ch43 and Dan’s face was on fire blushing I gave up hope

this is the “regretful top” genre (#후회공 is one of the genre tags on the kr og site) though so it’s basically a countdown now until Dan finally snaps out of it and JK regrets his actions n starts chasing him instead. Basically BJ Alex but on steroids. I do mostly like this subgenre usually, but with Jinx imo I think the creator went too far for JK to be redeemed so idk how the fuck this is gonna work out lmaooo.

I think it’s been shown clearly enough that Dan is a pushover, so I think him ending up with JK after the “regret” arc happens will make sense to HIM. But I don’t think it’s going to be possible to write it in a way at this point for it to be convincing to the readers; I just can’t get over how he’s treated Dan tbh. Yk, this reminds me of when your friend gets back with their horrible ex, after they went thru hell that u personally witnessed and u supported them thru, but they don’t have the outsider’s perspective that u have (aka us the readers watching this from outside and not sharing Dan’s… mental state and personality), so eventually they get back together when the shitty ex comes begging and ur like HOLY SHIT WHY

    manwhafan2020 January 4, 2024 12:21 am

    Couldn’t have said it better myself omg

    mr jenni January 4, 2024 1:48 am

    this manhwa is literally so predictable omg

vasya December 30, 2023 10:22 pm

I’ve been lowkey rlly enjoying this manhwa so far & the art is SO pretty. I feel like her character development has been on the realistic side of things & I am so glad she managed to stand up to the princess n say she didn’t care abt what happens to Fabian!

BUT DID YALL SEE THAT LINE IN CH13 the ML described the FL in his head as “like a naive child” i guess it was in the context of how she acts without thinking, but I can’t believe they put that in LMAO it just doesn’t sound right
But anyway omg the way they stayed close in eachothers arms in the rain as they were talking was so cute

vasya November 29, 2023 10:12 am

As if it wasn’t bad enough for this to clearly be another Abandoned Empress (ml is obviously the crown prince… who murdered her family), UR TELLING ME HE LIKES HER YET SHE LOOKS IDENTICAL TO HIS MOTHER???? HIS MOTHER????
Like yeah he didn’t fall for her initially bc of her looks (altho he’s calling her beautiful now..) but bro how do u even look at the fl in a romantic way when she LOOKS JUST LIKE UR MOTHER??!?! I do not UNDERSTAND

    Hell ya December 3, 2023 10:45 am

    I thought it'd be the same as Finding Camelia, maybe he'd fall for the guy version and then discover she's a girl but man this is so messed up. Make it logical by liking the female version and then it's all appearances at this point. And as you said he's into someone who reminds him of his mother.
    This story is just going ways I don't understand.

vasya November 19, 2023 9:13 pm

FL’s family (abt the FL): she’s such a soft girl, she’s so timid, she has a delicate heart, I’m worried :(
FL: (is an absolute menace, terrorising the other consorts, making threats, taking control of the palace, etc)

    Naz December 6, 2023 8:14 pm

    Who knows she could have been exactly like that before she saw the future. But like her brothers tho and her parents. Damn another family with good genes and the mother is not dead. So we have a mother who’s not dead and everyone in the family cares for one another. I mean the whole reason she’s doing all those is to save her family and land.

    I love the fact that they think she’s just an innocent, soft hearted girl, who is too vulnerable to be in a wicked place like the palace with tyrant Emperor, evil consorts and scheming Empress Dowager. Even her beast friend thinks so too worried for her.

    She’s just menace to society who loves to terrorise everyone in palace. Doesn’t who they are, they are not safe from her.

    She would make a badass Empress, if the Emperor doesn’t make her sit there and look pretty as a flower.

vasya November 9, 2023 1:03 am

Holy shit the rape scene in ch5 just came out of NOWHERE. Listen, this kind of comment is so out of character for me. Some people say this on almost every BL with this sort of scene, but I really am not the type to comment abt this sort of stuff, I read a lot of dark things with non-con scenes, toxic relationships, etc. Ofc I don’t support those things irl, but I don’t comment about it, I’m just like “yikes” and then I move on. BUT HOLY SHIT this was disgusting???? I am actually freaked out wtf. It came out of nowhere and I literally feel sick…

I think how it just came out of nowhere & how it was drawn made it worse. It wasn’t yet another rape scene in a long line of toxic actions. It was sudden and unexpected and jarring. Honestly, imo it felt almost too realistic in that u never really know someone truly, and the disturbing reality that someone u consider to be kind and respectful could suddenly turn and do that to u. Because rapes do happen like this, committed by someone u trusted. Yes I know he probably would’ve consented if he saw the mc since they clearly are into eachother, but the horror was that he was tied up and blindfolded and didn’t even know who did that to him. Like holy shit that would be so fucking traumatic, like just consider what he could be imagining in that moment. A staff member, a bodyguard, a burglar, his FATHER doing that to him ??? He has no idea what’s going on and is horrified and u can see it on his face.

    sotuhji November 9, 2023 4:16 pm

    honestly i’m getting so fed up with r*pe as a plot device for any and every freaking thing you read nowadays like what was the reason?? i literally just skipped that part.

vasya November 6, 2023 9:08 pm

Thank u sm for picking this up. I loved this one so much

vasya October 20, 2023 8:52 am

1. I have a strong feeling this is gonna be a sort of “re-encounter” manhwa. It’s just 100% giving me that vibe. I feel like the author is gonna make the FL and ML fall out during high school, or have the FL accept that woman’s offer and go study abroad suddenly, or have the ML disappear suddenly (we don’t know his circumstances at all). I think they’ll be ripped apart somehow during this time and then meet eachother again later in their lives when they have careers etc. I might be wrong but I genuinely can’t see this going any other way ?? I feel like we’re building up to something

2. I really like how they portray the FL’s attitude towards the rich blond-brownish-hair 2nd ml. (I’m assuming he’s the second ml so I’ll call him that from now on). The FL comes from an incredibly poor household that is hostile and abusive to her, and tbh, I think it’s realistic that she looks at the ignorant and privileged rich boy character with resentment, bitterness and discomfort. Obviously there’s more to it, but I like how the author portrays her feelings here. I feel like so many manhwas have a poor and struggling FL swept off her feet by the rich ml and there isn’t that much resentment and envy from her side, which I think is so odd sometimes considering the monetary and class divide between them

    cash register October 22, 2023 2:23 am

    oh man i hope nooot, my heart cant take that i just want the to be together now

    vasya October 26, 2023 5:38 pm
    oh man i hope nooot, my heart cant take that i just want the to be together now cash register

    Ikr I might have to stop reading for a bit and go back to it later I realllly don’t want it to happen but I feel like it will. Like they’re definitely building up to something with all this uncertainty about the future (the abandoned house being a temporary refuge that could go at any time, her studying hard to escape and bc it’s the only thing she can do, the mother of the 2nd ml saying she’d support her future with strings attached, the absolute uncertainty surrounding the ml). I don’t want it to happen but I’d be surprised if it didn’t

    cash register October 26, 2023 10:07 pm
    Ikr I might have to stop reading for a bit and go back to it later I realllly don’t want it to happen but I feel like it will. Like they’re definitely building up to something with all this uncertainty abou... vasya

    i read some spoilers and apparently that is whats gonna happen so i might stop reading till its completed cuz i cant!! this story isn't like positively yours where its quite fast paced and straight to the point so i cant take it

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