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Charlie October 24, 2023 8:45 am

Please update this story. I want more.

Charlie October 23, 2023 10:09 am

Can someone Update this, please!

Charlie October 20, 2023 12:06 pm


Charlie October 20, 2023 7:56 am

Though it has been awhile, I still like this, so far

Charlie December 9, 2023 11:16 am

This seems to be promising. LESS FEMALE!!!! YEASZZZZZZZAH!!!!! Sad how I see a lot of humans so coward nowadays. You can see that reflection from comments. I rather have this man 1000% in this World than Isekai full off Girls and MC effing them all trying to be innocent… Disgusting . This Author’s Morals is not lost. Thanks Sensei

Charlie October 18, 2023 6:29 am

We need update please

Charlie October 15, 2023 9:34 am


Charlie July 19, 2021 5:24 am

Blondie should have talked to the other dad, and ask permission that he is taking the kids to calmed them down, but idiot blondie who obviously had too much bleach in his head made a boner move, that he forgot the most crucial, the fundamental aspects of manners, ethics, and so and so forth. What he technically did... is called kidnapping, or let’s just pretend that doesn’t exist in this manga world, what he just did, is to pissed off the other Dad royally!!! So much for, “ I don’t want him to hate me even more...” no sh!t

    rahiba July 19, 2021 7:38 am

    if you look at the end he calls the mc

    Charlie July 19, 2021 8:16 am
    if you look at the end he calls the mc rahiba

    Oh I did see that. However, I believe you are missing something really, really, extremely, important in his action which is a crime if we base it in real life. He took them in their homes without the legal permission of the guardian.

    jo5y July 19, 2021 10:55 am
    Oh I did see that. However, I believe you are missing something really, really, extremely, important in his action which is a crime if we base it in real life. He took them in their homes without the legal per... Charlie

    Then the MC should be arrested cause he let his kids go out at night who are bearly 5 knowing full well people are after his family

    Charlie July 20, 2021 5:14 am
    Then the MC should be arrested cause he let his kids go out at night who are bearly 5 knowing full well people are after his family jo5y

    You mean outside his house where the kids are still in his property? And wait the minute... those kids are known to leave their freaking house to play and NO ONE IS FREAKING BITCHING LIKE NOW... so what the frog is the problem now? In addition, they are IN A HIGHLY SECURED COMPOUND THAT IS FULL OF GUARDS. Do you even know that, because it would seem you are talking out of your neck. Whether they are crying or happy leaving their home, those kids are still in their property. So... do tell what kind of frogging crime the MC made or committed Sherlock? As oppose to the kidnapping like bleach head blondie did... hmmmm?

    jo5y July 20, 2021 8:25 am
    You mean outside his house where the kids are still in his property? And wait the minute... those kids are known to leave their freaking house to play and NO ONE IS FREAKING BITCHING LIKE NOW... so what the fro... Charlie

    known for leaving their house to play yes......but girl it's in the night...who the f goes out to play? Still in their property? last I checked they were outside on the street. and Firstly blondie called MC but MC didn't pick up. MC kids just went through something traumatic like kidnapping and for kids, they look fine. instead of him to pamper his kids a little he cut fucking steak for some fucking bitch and which btw SPOILERSSS she turns evil anyways. that kid shouldn't have tried to throw a tantrum but he is a kid so what do yall expect? and you said MC is just disciplining his kids.....even tho they were almost kidnapped? even if the place is full of grades there are people who are much stronger and could just kidnap the kids with ease. All am trying to say is yall are too hard on seme and for what? LOL you hate seme sooo much even tho he didn't do anything.

    Charlie July 21, 2021 4:27 am

    You are So wrong in many accounts and I wish for you to grow a bit more of intelligence that you are lacking. You said it yourself, Seme called but did not get any response... now... base on what you said do critical thinking and you will find your answer. It is such a waste of time to explain simple things to simpletons but I have to because others like children or adults that have no idea what kindness entails and manners and where it starts. So I will continue gabbing. Like you said, Moronic Seme called and he didn’t get any answer. Now do you think, it is legal for him to take those children? Or do you think not answering means OK!? The answer is in legals, research it for your own good. Another thing, just because they are FCKNG CHILDREN doesn’t mean they have a licensed to be disgusting human beings. I disagree about your reasoning about their pig azz behavior. Manners and kindness starts at the very young age and that means catching it at an early age, meaning correcting them if what they are doing is wrong aka disgusting manners like pigs. You claim that those bad guys are so powerful. Again, I want you to expand your mind on this. I will give you a hint. Successful. Were they? This might be too much for your brain but,I will say it anyhow, pampering while the children are acting disgusting is equal to tolerating a murderer, that is Psychology 101 to you. It might seem an exaggeration but the notion is the same. You do not encourage negative behavior, that is like saying “keep doing what your doing psychopath, you are doing great!” So think before you speak because your ignorance can affect other people which is really bad for simple words for you to understand.

    Charlie July 21, 2021 4:47 am
    known for leaving their house to play yes......but girl it's in the night...who the f goes out to play? Still in their property? last I checked they were outside on the street. and Firstly blondie called MC but... jo5y

    I don’t know who your calling a girl but you need to sit down- with your discrimination. And obviously your reading comprehension is not so great. No one said, or implied that they are playing during the night. The POINT in that notion was, they are on their own regardless of the situation. Another point. Compounds do have streets. Another things... what’s that got to do with the frogging chick!? The kids behaviors were disgusting, that chick did not made that happened but they, themselves did it. I will be frank but, your ignorance is not a bliss at all.

    jo5y July 21, 2021 11:39 am
    I don’t know who your calling a girl but you need to sit down- with your discrimination. And obviously your reading comprehension is not so great. No one said, or implied that they are playing during the nigh... Charlie

    the kid's behavior was disgusting? what do you expect from a kid???????//

    jo5y July 21, 2021 11:50 am
    You are So wrong in many accounts and I wish for you to grow a bit more of intelligence that you are lacking. You said it yourself, Seme called but did not get any response... now... base on what you said do c... Charlie

    LOL funny how you are taking this seriously to the point. LOL. when I said bad guys I didn't only mean the people who tried to kidnap them because there are more powerful beings out there who want to get hold of MC like the guy in episode 1 who managed to do so. Yeah, kindness starts from young age However why is MC not paying much attention to his kids who almost got kidnapped but as his whole fucking eyes on some bitch who can do things herself. OH, and btw since blondie is also the children's parents it wasn't illegal. there were no restraining orders against him whatsoever. Psychology 101. your kids just went through something traumatic a) you pamper them b) you act like something happen c) you pamper some bitch d) none above.... :) You said the kid's actions were disgusting......firstly they are kids and secondly disgusting is too strong of a word. even i support that what the older kid did wasn't right of him but you hate the kids so much that you have to use a strong word such has disgusting on him. OFC a kid would be angry if they don't get their parent's attention especially if they went through something traumatic as to be kidnapped. even tho acting like that to get a parent's attention some stupid in our eyes it's not in kids' eyes. At this rate the kids would rather tell blondie stuff instead of MC then MC gonna wonder were he went wrong.

    Charlie July 22, 2021 12:51 am
    LOL funny how you are taking this seriously to the point. LOL. when I said bad guys I didn't only mean the people who tried to kidnap them because there are more powerful beings out there who want to get hold o... jo5y

    I don’t know what world you’re from, but if it is disgusting it is disgusting, regardless you’re a child or adult. Like you right now, as a human being you are acting disgustingly towards that chick who is in need of attention because she was “Hurt” regardless if she is evil or not. For you to say such unkind words towards a person who is hurt means so little of brain and heart you have. Those children are not traumatized, granted they got a scare but not traumatized. Look at the definition traumatized and see exactly what traumatized humans had underwent. For instance, raped victims, accident, something extreme that has been done to you physically, emotionally and psychologically. None of that happened to the kids, and no matter what, those kids behavior is DISGUSTING, REPUGNANT, AND EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE TO ANY HUMAN BEING. Their action is not tolerable and obviously to you, psychopaths behavior is great. Those children ARE AS DISGUSTING AS YOU, because you are unkind, no sympathy to the person who was truly hurt. The reason why you tolerate repugnant behavior and blaming others for your own disgusting action because you think offensive behavior is acceptable. Acting out is not tolerated in anyway shape or form in any psychology. You said, “to pamper their negative behavior?” Now you’re trying to dodge your idiotic response instead you’re covering up with, “they’re children they throw tantrums”. No one said anything about kids are not allowed to throw a fit. Our topic from the beginning is “ KID’S BEHAVIOR IS DISGUSTING, RUDE, OFFENSIVE SO THE DAD HAVE THE RIGHT TO CORRECT THEM AT ANY COST.” And you respond, “ They need to be pampered even if they are acting like a pig.” Yet you hate the real person who was truly injured. Do you see how sick you are in the head. And the Blondie, is still a criminal for taking those kids w/o permission. Children can act out but cannot be tolerated. Hence any healthy parents should intervene. And you claim like it is normal to a child to act out to get attention? Wrong! If the the parent/s is healthy mentally the attention his gonna give is correcting the child by not acting out and not pampering them like you claim. You need to see a psychologist, and I’m serious about that. You truly are sick in the head, hating someone who is truly hurt. How sick can you get. And no... calling them disgusting in not strong word but it is actually a fact. There is no need for euphemism.

    jo5y July 22, 2021 8:46 am
    I don’t know what world you’re from, but if it is disgusting it is disgusting, regardless you’re a child or adult. Like you right now, as a human being you are acting disgustingly towards that chick who i... Charlie

    Goodness, the girl is hurt? bad last I checked she could wash he hands so I don't know why MC is cutting steak for her. plus did you read the raws? I did so I know what am saying. the children's behavior or not disgusting. fuck you. they have the right to act like this. it was rude but not disgusting. MC has the right to discipline them but the only thing he did was yell at them. and for the last time, blondie is also the kid's parent so taking them is not a criminal offense. just say you hate him the kids and fuck off. " your suck in the head...your sick blah blah blah blah blah" yet you are the one saying blondie is a criminal for taking his own kids and the kids were the ones who said he should take them away. Disguting IS a strong word.

    Charlie July 22, 2021 9:07 am
    Goodness, the girl is hurt? bad last I checked she could wash he hands so I don't know why MC is cutting steak for her. plus did you read the raws? I did so I know what am saying. the children's behavior or not... jo5y

    Yeah, you really are SICK IN THE HEAD AND DISGUSTING LIKE THOSE KIDS, and a BLITHERING IDIOT AT THAT! BYE, you are a waste of space in this world to of no compassion to humanity who are truly suffering and tolerating Negative Behavior. You are a first class dimwit . And yes Blondie still committed a crime - expand your intelligence and you’ll figure it out, however good luck, with that loving psychopath behavior of yours and your lack of intelligence,BYE SIS!

    Charlie July 22, 2021 9:19 am
    Goodness, the girl is hurt? bad last I checked she could wash he hands so I don't know why MC is cutting steak for her. plus did you read the raws? I did so I know what am saying. the children's behavior or not... jo5y

    oh one more thing, this, you said, >>>”and the kids were the ones who said he should take them away.” >>>> this is a sign that you are a child, that your brain is not grown yet or you’re an adult that is just plain imbecile . BYE... WHO EVER RAISED YOU, DID NOT RAISED YOU RIGHT... REMEMBER, THIS WELL. HELPING OTHERS ARE NOT SUBJECTED TO KIND HUMANS BUT ALL DIFFERENT TYPES OF SPECIES AND DIFFERENT TYPES OF BEHAVIOR. I HOPE YOU’LL LEARN WELL ABOUT COMPASSIONS IN YOUR WALKS OF LIFE, FAIR THEE WELL

    jo5y July 22, 2021 10:00 am
    oh one more thing, this, you said, >>>”and the kids were the ones who said he should take them away.” >>>> this is a sign that you are a child, that your brain is not grown yet or you�... Charlie

    Sis if you can't give clear reasons why blondie is a criminal then bye. please also advise yourself you really need it.

    jo5y July 22, 2021 10:06 am
    Yeah, you really are SICK IN THE HEAD AND DISGUSTING LIKE THOSE KIDS, and a BLITHERING IDIOT AT THAT! BYE, you are a waste of space in this world to of no compassion to humanity who are truly suffering and tole... Charlie

    you talk big like intelligence and all but all you do is put nonsense big words together calling it a sentence. "psychology 101 humanity blah blah blah" you use a word so strong for a kid who only threw a call their father a criminal for taking them to a hotel even tho the kids didn't even resist. plus let's not forget how he called to tell mc he has his kids but mc didn't answer. now mc is gonna get mad at him for no reason at all. The girl isn't fucking hurt. she will repeat to be hurt for a long time just to stay with MC. come back when you have actually read the raws and know what's gonna happen. you even brough phygology into this like someone wanted it to get this serious.

    jo5y July 22, 2021 10:10 am
    oh one more thing, this, you said, >>>”and the kids were the ones who said he should take them away.” >>>> this is a sign that you are a child, that your brain is not grown yet or you�... Charlie

    You are the type of person who always wants to break things down to understand it even tho some things just don't need understanding you try making things up on your own and trying calling is abnormal behavior. Fuck off. this is very normal haven't you seen it before? kids get angry for no reason, parents yell at kids, kids get angry and runs away. Something like this doesn't need understanding. not everything needs understanding. and here you are talking to me about physiological behavourPPPFFFT..

Charlie July 18, 2021 1:19 am

Saying Beautiful is an insult. His Dad is beyond beauty... ohmahgawd... he is SOOOO HOOOTT, THAT MY EYES GOT BURNT!!!

Charlie July 9, 2021 4:32 am

I miss this manga so much. Is there more? Make it quick or I’m gonna jump off this CLIIIIFFF !!!!! (don’t worry it’s only a foot drop ).

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