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Ayumi13 created a topic of A well known love affair

Ahhh he’s so possessive of his little chickieee
Who’s min? The gamer dude it uke friend? Lol

Ayumi13 created a topic of Part-Time Partner

Loooveee how the uke is so indifferent!! Love ittt
I need him to stay that way so the seme can do the chasing cuz fk
The seme pissed me off, the way he’s passing things off as uke the bad guy irks the fuck outta me

Okay wait… I kinda wanted Martin with the beta freckled boy :((((

Also, I don’t dislike the pink omega boy- I also don’t dislike the second couple lol

Ayumi13 created a topic of Waterside Night

The intense rage I just felt- they all better perish

Ayumi13 created a topic of Three Little Pigs

Oh nooo I wanted the oldest to bottom
O also wanna see more of the second oldest too
I feel like he kinkyyy

Ayumi13 created a topic of Love in Orbit


Also unpopular opinion- I don’t hate the mom nor do I put a lot of blame on her?
She was forced to have a kid she DIDNT want and was also subjected to the father’s torment. In the backstory, you could see that she wasn’t a terrible mother to Sohan, in fact I do think she loves/tried to love(?) Sohan-

But at a certain I think she wanted to put herself first- now obvi her abandoning him was wrong, I think everyone knows that, I believe she even knows that

It’s also a society thing where they put so much on the women to the point that it becomes detrimental to them

So I think she made a choice to put herself first- and as sucky as it is, she really didn’t want a child- I can’t imagine the pain of being forced to give birth and live as a family with the man you hate

One thing I liek about this is, I think Sohan knows that, and he got closure from that seeing his mom live her life. Like he closed a chapter in his life with the answers he wanted, of course that doesn’t mean he can’t feel all the pain and suffering. Of course he can, and he is valid in those feelings about her.

But I think this is more of a nuanced situation and I don’t think she’s a bad person because of the choices she made. A gray area for sure

This is my opinion! Don’t have to agree

Ayumi13 created a topic of The Teijo Academy 2

I knew that alpha was shady asf

So… you’re saying they’re not a switch anymore? :/

Ayumi13 created a topic of Megumi and Tsugumi

Tsuguuu is sooo cute
But don’t change bby I love your nonchalant self

Ayumi13 created a topic of The Teijo Academy 2

Is really dislike the glasses guy hahahah

Also omg masaomi is sooo cuteee- love seeing that couple reappear

Ayumi13 created a topic of The Demon Leader's Lover

I really hate with seme is so inconsiderate to the uke when they have sex

Ayumi13 created a topic of Milk and Cream

I’m assuming there’s side couples?

Ayumi13 created a topic of Waterside Night



Also girly pop why you gotta say that shit to him and get him anxious again like he was about to go back to ground 0 and Taeju would’ve had to do all that work again to gain his trust ;;;

Omg Taeju looks sooo scary, mark your days Sahyeok- I hope he gets ult torture

Also is home being preggo confirmed?

Ayumi13 created a topic of Just Like You

Ughhh soo cute!
Really loved Aeyi!!
Also love that hana and bea both wore suits to their wedding

Ayumi13 created a topic of Part-Time Partner

The seme pisses me off to no end, I want him to fall first but given some of the spoilers below I guess not :/

Ayumi13 created a topic of Pink to Habanero

You know.. I ain’t even mad- let the jealousy arc begin

The alpha frustrated me, liek plz do some research, there’s a reason why he doesn’t want you around!

Ayumi13 created a topic of Cat Boys!

No but chika bf needs to take some initiative !
Put the ring on him yourself!

Ayumi13 created a topic of A well known love affair


I will always make time for you ?!?! YA HAD ME GUSHHING SO CUTTEE


I love them

Join his guild tho lol