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June 29, 2024 7:49 pm

Heheehehehehehehehe he sure is easy so give him a big ol KITH (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

June 29, 2024 7:45 pm

Sigh poor minhyung. He’s just wanted this one shitty bottom for forever, and this bottom sleeps with everyone else except him ╥﹏╥ well until now that is lol

愛's questions ( All 1 )

May 23, 2024 6:17 pm

That has brought the IRL morality police to the forefront? It’s to the point that anything is deemed disgusting if it even tips the scale of IRL morals. It’s weird and ruins the point of all this made up media. No one is reading manga and manhwa/hua for accuracies… or to be a rigid perfect story with perfection at every corner. It’s not realistic and also a mood killer. Yes in real life there are tons of problems that need to be addressed. But in comic media?? Especially that is shared with us not FOR US…. Why place it to an impossible standard.

If you don’t like a certain trope… don’t read it. Let others who enjoy it do what they want. Better yet! Draw your own!! Fill up more space with your own shit! No one is stopping you. Unless you’re own work is hated on as well… how ironic sigh. This medium is all subjective and it’s all art. Why shame others for things that don’t matter in real life??? It’s so frustrating.


If you also noticed this happening. You’re not alone and you’re not losing your mind. This is a real sad thing happening in fandom.

This article explains it perfectly!!! It makes perfect sense. I was like what is going ON recently. Now I know what’s happening. Such a shame tho.

    Thighsucker February 27, 2024 7:42 pm

    No one's stopping you from reading anything. We are just voicing our opinions. If you don't like our opinions...ignore them. Yeah, if I don't like a trope, I will stop reading. But I still have the right to comment about what I don't like about it. Suck it up. Sounds like a you problem when a simple comment kills your mood. Enjoy what you like, why listen to other people, why let their comments bother you? Unless, those people are right. And that's why you get defensive.

    March 18, 2024 8:06 am

    This article explains it perfectly!!! It makes perfect sense. I was like what is going ON recently. Now I know what’s happening. Such a shame tho.

    Jeemee April 10, 2024 12:17 am

    WE WILL shame you for reading Itadori X Gojo or whatever disgusting shit you and your race have brought upon earth!
    Animals like you deserve to be exterminated
    IMMEDIATELY! The simple fact that those monstrosities appear on mangago’s front page is a valuable reason to chase YOU AND YOUR KIND out! Quit the yap and do something about that thro4t & tongu3! P3DOPH1/14 AND CHILD PORNOGR4PHY SHOULD NEVER BE EXCUSED.

    April 10, 2024 12:45 am
    WE WILL shame you for reading Itadori X Gojo or whatever disgusting shit you and your race have brought upon earth!Animals like you deserve to be exterminatedIMMEDIATELY! The simple fact that those monstrositie... Jeemee

    These are drawings spend this energy helping real people instead of harassing people online. These drawings are not real. Like wtf. You literally tell human beings they should be exterminated?? Stop embarrassing yourself and your cause. Go volunteer outside and help actual people lol.

    Jeemee April 10, 2024 9:05 am
    These are drawings spend this energy helping real people instead of harassing people online. These drawings are not real. Like wtf. You literally tell human beings they should be exterminated?? Stop embarrassi...

    It literally doesn’t matter if it’s drawings or not it stay CP & pedophilic content. Wanting to ban CO content online and irl are both valuable causes so idk wtf you yapping about, you are as free as you think in cyberspace

    April 18, 2024 7:12 am
    It literally doesn’t matter if it’s drawings or not it stay CP & pedophilic content. Wanting to ban CO content online and irl are both valuable causes so idk wtf you yapping about, you are as free as y... Jeemee

    Go outside and help actual victims instead of typing nonsense on a manga site to people who can consume media as intended ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Batata May 23, 2024 3:33 pm

    Oh yeah! This has been happening alot recently, thanks for sharing that link, I'd like to use it, some people here have been telling others to 'kill themselves' for reading something that according to them is morally wrong and kind of started a self-claimed revolution to make others not read those work.
    People who like those work can't even leave positive feedback because they quickly reply with 'kill yourself'.
    It's not about just ignoring as someone said earlier, it's annoying at this point.

    May 23, 2024 6:14 pm
    Oh yeah! This has been happening alot recently, thanks for sharing that link, I'd like to use it, some people here have been telling others to 'kill themselves' for reading something that according to them is m... Batata

    I hear you completely. I’ve gotten and seen those exact replies as well. It’s heart breaking. Like people telling others to DIE is so extreme when they just wanna read comics/etc.

    Glad it helped. It really helped me have a better picture of how all this violent aggression started happening.

    Take care of yourself. Thanks for your comment.

    Batata May 23, 2024 7:02 pm

    You have my thanks, I got lucky to find such useful thing, it helped me alot to calm down my frustrated mind which was caused by arguing with such kinds of people, thanks to you I was able to share it!

    Fujoshi for Fluff only June 9, 2024 5:02 am
    Go outside and help actual victims instead of typing nonsense on a manga site to people who can consume media as intended ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    No, they are not going to do that. They don't read books as book. They play *self insert* games then get pissedike the writer ruined their lives. I'm seeing this a lot in current gen. It's full of Puritans.

    June 9, 2024 6:00 am
    No, they are not going to do that. They don't read books as book. They play *self insert* games then get pissedike the writer ruined their lives. I'm seeing this a lot in current gen. It's full of Puritans. Fujoshi for Fluff only

    It’s so sad!!! If I knew readers/fandoms were going to change like this I would have enjoyed and appreciated the old days WAY more. :((( when everyone realized that people have different tastes in art and that if you don’t like something you just skip and move on.

    Now people think it’s their mission to police any and all artistic and sexual expression. It’s so conservative it’s not even funny.

    Fujoshi for Fluff only June 9, 2024 8:04 am
    It’s so sad!!! If I knew readers/fandoms were going to change like this I would have enjoyed and appreciated the old days WAY more. :((( when everyone realized that people have different tastes in art and tha...

    Definitely not funny. It's more annoying. Like there are so many factors accounting for it. Every country has their own cultural and behavioral aspects. That also affects the tropes they like. Just because you're unable to understand something doesn't mean it's unacceptable. Trust me, it has changed too much. Now People feel entitled enough to request author or publishers to change the source element just because they find it uncomfortable. Example I remember so many minors and Puritans protesting online to not make the cover of tgcf with a kiss scene between THE MAIN CHARACTERS btw. Don't consume it if you're uncomfortable. Who's forcing you????(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    June 9, 2024 8:25 am
    Definitely not funny. It's more annoying. Like there are so many factors accounting for it. Every country has their own cultural and behavioral aspects. That also affects the tropes they like. Just because you'... Fujoshi for Fluff only

    Exactly!!!!!! Agreed on all points!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

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Raw Links 05-05 05:02
Oh ma GAWWDD stop w the bull 09-05 11:25
oop 10-25 23:48
Here are all the CHs of the SIDE COUPLES 10-25 08:33
Late to the party... 08-09 00:07

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