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i am simping for Chowon-oppa want to do ( All 1 )

getting a lover

i am simping for Chowon-oppa's experience ( All 0 )

i am simping for Chowon-oppa's answer ( All 2 )

about question
If you're only reading yaoi, you'll obviously feel tired. I've been reading anything since I was a kid, and if I'm not reading, I'm writing, if I'm not writing, I'm playing, if I'm not playing, I'm doing another thing. I don't know for you but for me, a ~decade of spending your life doing something is a commitment, a commitment that proves thay y......   1 reply
6 days
about question
Hello. I'm an incoming sophomore this academic year. I love reading and so I've been inclined to like writing, too. I love writing and worldbuilding. I'm part of three organizations in our uni, the first one is a student publication organization, where I am a literary writer; the second one is a theater play organization, where I am a scriptwriter......   reply
6 days

i am simping for Chowon-oppa's question ( All 1 )

How do i survive uni with 25 college credits? Pls help me
22 07,2023