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lose a friend

People who did this (332)
2020-12-03 18:34:15

she still has a place in my heart.... so how to let go :)
2020-12-03 18:32:40
2020-12-03 18:31:24

I lose a lots :)
2020-12-03 18:10:49

i'm the type to remember them for my life time... i still miss em ;-;
2020-12-03 18:10:29
2020-12-03 18:07:27

Been there done that
2020-12-03 18:02:49
2020-12-03 17:58:22

Can't lose friends if I never lose haha...
2020-12-03 17:56:16

in my first year middle school i lost all of em cuz they are mostly fucking jerks and snitch on me for being myself, theyre mean...
2020-12-03 16:48:45

I him badllly injured. I already said sorry dont worry.
2020-12-03 15:50:55

because i told her a kid in my clas was throwing rocks at me,i grabbed him by the collor ,thats why she didnt want to be my friend any more
2020-12-03 15:09:31

I don’t want some homophobic ppl in my life, so bye bitch :)