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People who want to do this (45)
2021-01-31 01:46:26

2021-01-22 04:38:53

The only thing ill ever willingly write is my suicide note bye
2021-01-21 23:06:53

How does one go about writing an isekai story? Because I have ideas and no idea how to write them or where to post chapters if I did.
2021-01-21 03:55:28

2020-12-20 23:55:43

i have no inspiration so i almost never write
2020-12-12 03:03:03
2020-11-27 19:33:20
2020-10-28 09:44:43
2020-09-17 16:29:33
2020-07-20 19:26:05
2020-07-20 19:12:29
2020-07-20 18:56:15
2020-07-20 18:51:35
2020-07-20 17:58:56
2020-05-26 19:27:50
2020-04-17 15:31:58
2019-12-26 05:09:34
2019-08-28 04:19:45

I started journaling last year but I want to write stories again. I have a few ideas but idk self-doubt is a real pain.
2019-08-27 11:15:44

I want to write my own novel but I still lack the skills, I don't even know how to start it even though I have the plot in my mind(/TДT)/
2019-08-27 05:41:36

Starting writing poetry to express my pent up feelings of living in a house where I literally get no respect from my father.