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Title Update Recommend
SMUTTY, KINDA FUCKED UP BL(25) 2024-04-18 2
fantasic historical pieces(1) 2020-07-27 0
isekai seedbed(26) 2020-10-09 0
otome iseka/reincarnation w/FL(6) 2021-02-27 0

Teeth's topics ( All 409 )

Teeth June 10, 2024 12:56 am

is by nerfing her abilities and critical thinking/having her kidnapped/getting on a compromised vehicle/having something fall somewhere/literally any dangerous event so ML can swoop in and save FL'

i hope the suspension bridge effect wipes my readers memories of all the bs that happened so far because she HAS to love him now and reach an epiphany while in danger right? and i won't have to make a decent character development arc right???

    Victoria June 11, 2024 1:15 am're so right, omg, I never thought of how cliché it's become to use unnecessary danger to earn brownie points for the junk ML. "Oooh, he was a jerk, but he totally saved her later! That erases it, right?" TBF, in this one I feel like the FL doing something horrible was supposed to offset some of his behavior. I've settled on thinking about them as both moronic jerks who mostly deserve each other.

    I think a lot of these novels are fantasies for people (like my dumbass self) who wish (or wished) their crummy partner would change into a loving partner who would even literally save their lives. In real life (and I would know) it's not satisfying, I still move on, but there's still this fantasy of "what if it was all misunderstandings and we could magically have a happy ending?" Again though... just a fantasy.

    Just, damn, there's so many of us it's become a cliche market demand?! Lmaooo

Teeth June 10, 2024 6:45 am

imagine if she hooks up with the useless asshole 'grandchild' and burns all bridges with the MC only to have it revealed later on that MC is the real grandson. oh please please update soon i want to see a moment like that so bad

except i feel like author is setting up a sympathetic back story to justify her actions and solidify her as a love interest if ever she reluctantly helps MC so... meh.

    chrollo June 11, 2024 5:12 am

    It’s not shocking we already knew she befriended him thinking he was the ceos grandson

Teeth's questions ( All 7 )

Teeth December 31, 2023 7:42 am

a girl gets transported into a fantasy ancient china world where women are significantly lower in population and treated as delicate nobles. MC encounters a group of male martial artists (?) in danger and she seems to have super strength and she helps them fight off a big tiger (?). The group finds this weird because normally the nobles would not risk themselves nor be immensely powerful or nice like MC.

any help would be appreciated, i've been looking for a while now :(

Teeth November 19, 2023 3:35 pm

I can't recall clearly since it's been a while but the general plot is there's this host who started hating scents after being exposed to strong artificial perfumes and other smells from his clients. he comes home from work and meets this frumpy guy as his next door neighbor. he was either a professor or a researcher?

At some point during their interactions the host offhandedly comments that his neighbor's cologne smells good and the neighbor brushes it off.

a couple of stuff happen (there was an incident where the neighbor left his gas stove open and nearly died & the host saved him?) and at the end after they're together the neighbor cheekily says he already knew the host is attracted to him because he never actually wore any cologne, but any guy who likes him always mentioned how much they like his scent.

Thanks for any help!

Teeth's message board ( All 1 )

tomo ٩( ᐛ )و September 8, 2020 1:04 am

Sorry I just love your pfp

Teeth September 9, 2020 7:11 am

ooof thanks it's a redraw of one of my fave sketches when i was a kid lol

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