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Arrested Man (Yaoi)

NAONO Bohra 1997 released.
Fantasy / Supernatural / Yaoi
囚われの身; Memories of the Snow; Naive Gespenst; Naive Gespent; Toiki no Netsu; Toware no Mi; Ugokenai Yoru; Yuki No Kyoku
arrested man (complete)
143 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

1) Toraware no Mi (Arrested Man)
Iori is a totally heartless playboy whose his past comes back to haunt him.

2) Yuki no Kioku (Memories of the Snow)
A child was saved from a snowstorm by a person, who may or may not be a snow spirit and promised to marry him. Years later, he's saved again.

3) Ugokenai Yoru (Night without Motion)
Kouichi suffers from a childhood trauma which puts up barriers in his relationship with Akira, who eventually overcomes the obstacles in the way of their physical relationship.

4) Naive Gespenst
A guy comes back from the dead to be with his lover.

5) Toiki no Netsu (Sigh's Temperature)
After his divorce, a crippled man gets drunk and accidentally calls up a escort service. But now the escort decides to become a caretaker and won't leave!

6) Shisen no Katachi (Shape of a Glance)
Yuuki always thought he and Saachi would be together. Because his friend is colorblind, Yuuki would always go out of his way to make sure that Saachi was taken care of at all times. But suddenly, it seems the cold-hearted Saachi has thrown caution to the wind and hanging out with new friends while purposely ignoring Yuuki.

7) Body by Body
The loss of a lover is never easy. Rou is at home missing his lover Sen so much, yet there is nothing he can do...until someone shows up! Who could it be?

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