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raindragon July 5, 2018 4:42 am

Hey, you guys, would you go look at my Clip Studio Paint entry for the art contest, and give me a "Like" if you like it. It's the one named "Varitas" under my name: Raindragon.
The number of Likes counts as part of the judging. Thanks so much, XOXO It's a picture of a boy in a blue crystal hat coming out of a golden circle. The one right after it is mine, too.

raindragon March 12, 2018 4:30 am

It should be, "The Basketball that Kuroko Plays" not "The Basketball which Kuroko Plays." "THAT" not "WHICH." I don't get how they can do such a beautiful job translating then get the title wrong. This stuff drives me nuts.

    raindragon March 12, 2018 5:15 am

    I don't get how a comment that states a fact and compliments the translator gets down voted. I sometimes wonder if people actually read before downvoting.

    These titling mistakes bother me and a lot of other people who have a sensitive ear for grammar, usage, and lyric quality. Also, they happen so often that it defies all logic.

    ermar March 12, 2018 5:15 am

    u can just say "kuroko's basketball" and done.

    CurlyFujoshi March 12, 2018 5:47 am
    u can just say "kuroko's basketball" and done. ermar


    raindragon March 12, 2018 6:33 am
    u can just say "kuroko's basketball" and done. ermar

    it's not about saying something. I could call it "basketball ball ball" if I wanted or "The trouble with basketball." It's not about me talking to myself. come on, man.

    raindragon March 12, 2018 6:49 am
    u can just say "kuroko's basketball" and done. ermar

    I'm sure you're nice and you mean well, but this kind of answer is annoying. It's like you didn't even read or try to comprehend the point. It's about grammar and translation. It's not about "and done." or something I can "just say" I'm not confused, and I don't need you to sort anything out for me. jesus.
    It's a comment, not a question. A legitimate response is to give an intelligent or entertaining opinion about the comment. Please don't answer otherwise.

    Anonymous March 12, 2018 6:54 am
    it's not about saying something. I could call it "basketball ball ball" if I wanted or "The trouble with basketball." It's not about me talking to myself. come on, man. raindragon

    Wellim not that good at english grammar so i dont really care but you should leave it to the translater after all their the on who work for it and i the whos translating it have trouble too and if you have problem then how about translating it yourself so that you wont have a problem ..... Thats all think about how hard it is to translate (sorry for butting in)

    Buji March 12, 2018 11:01 pm

    It's correct both ways

    chey March 12, 2018 11:20 pm

    lmao "Kuroko's Basketball" is the official translation of the title and "The Basketball Which Kuroko Plays" is the english rendering of the original japanese title.

    chey March 12, 2018 11:21 pm
    lmao "Kuroko's Basketball" is the official translation of the title and "The Basketball Which Kuroko Plays" is the english rendering of the original japanese title. chey

    it's literally on viz media's website btw

    raindragon March 13, 2018 2:29 am
    It's correct both ways Buji

    it's not correct both ways, stupid.

    raindragon March 13, 2018 2:30 am
    it's literally on viz media's website btw chey

    sorry but I wan't referring to the official whatever. I was referring to this translation on this site, k?

    chey March 13, 2018 2:48 am
    sorry but I wan't referring to the official whatever. I was referring to this translation on this site, k? raindragon

    lmao u literally need to find ur chill bro, not everyone is going to comply to your rules of grammar. this whole thing is really not that deep tbh. it's just a fckn title.

    Buji March 13, 2018 3:02 pm
    it's not correct both ways, stupid. raindragon

    "pronoun & determiner
    pronoun: which
    used referring to something previously mentioned when introducing a clause giving further information.
    'a conference in Vienna, which ended on Friday'"

    The Basketball (clause) which Kuroko plays (further information)

    raindragon March 13, 2018 7:25 pm
    "pronoun & determinerpronoun: which1. used referring to something previously mentioned when introducing a clause giving further information.'a conference in Vienna, which ended on Friday'"The Basketball (cl... Buji

    All right, Buji, listen closely because I'm going to give you a grammar lesson free of charge. I don't know where you learned English, but your teacher made a mess of it.

    "That" tells which one. "Which" adds a fact about the only object in question.
    example 1:
    The conference in Vienna, which ended on Friday, was a big success. (adds a fact)

    "Which" is almost always preceded by a comma.

    example 2:
    Of all the conferences, the one that was in Vienna was the best. (tells which one)
    which conference? the one that was in Vienna

    raindragon March 13, 2018 7:36 pm
    lmao "Kuroko's Basketball" is the official translation of the title and "The Basketball Which Kuroko Plays" is the english rendering of the original japanese title. chey

    Who cares about "official?" "Kuroko's Basketball" is still a bad title. It sounds like a story about a boy playing with his new basketball.
    The title, "The Basketball that Kuroko Plays" conveys the game of Basketball, not just one basketball, and it hints at someone named Kuroko who has a unique way of playing it. This title is clear but still entices, has lyric quality that the other title doesn't, and even sounds a bit sexy.

    ermar March 13, 2018 7:41 pm

    i dont want to argue with anyone :( smbdy come save me....

    raindragon March 14, 2018 4:29 am
    lmao u literally need to find ur chill bro, not everyone is going to comply to your rules of grammar. this whole thing is really not that deep tbh. it's just a fckn title. chey

    hey, is your chilled-out way of thinking always this sloppy?

    raindragon March 14, 2018 4:33 am
    Wellim not that good at english grammar so i dont really care but you should leave it to the translater after all their the on who work for it and i the whos translating it have trouble too and if you have prob... @Anonymous

    well, you know I do work on a translation team.

    raindragon March 14, 2018 4:35 am
    lmao u literally need to find ur chill bro, not everyone is going to comply to your rules of grammar. this whole thing is really not that deep tbh. it's just a fckn title. chey

    They're not MY rules of grammar. What? Do you think I just pull this stuff outa my ass? come on, man.

    Anonymous March 20, 2018 3:27 pm

    Actually, "which" is a better fit here than "that". "That" SOUNDS better, but is grammatically inferior.

    justme March 20, 2018 3:51 pm

    raindragon March 21, 2018 6:12 am
    Actually, "which" is a better fit here than "that". "That" SOUNDS better, but is grammatically inferior. @Anonymous

    LOL, what an asshole. Go back to school.

    Anonymous March 22, 2018 12:00 am
    LOL, what an asshole. Go back to school. raindragon

    I'm good, but thanks. I'd recommend you go back yourself, but it'd be a waste of tax dollars, so just climb back into your trash heap.

    raindragon March 22, 2018 7:10 am
    I'm good, but thanks. I'd recommend you go back yourself, but it'd be a waste of tax dollars, so just climb back into your trash heap. @Anonymous

    why don't you do yourself a favor and read all of my comments. I explained this in detail, and I really do think you would benefit.

    Don't just jump someone's shit before you've even followed the thread of the conversation. Also, politely use a real identity. Take responsibility for the things you say. You're comments are really rude, and your grammar could sincerely use some help.

    One more thing, in this as in most grammar there is no such thing as "grammatically inferior." There's correct and incorrect. It's not a choice. In this case, "That" is correct. "Which" is incorrect.

    Anonymous March 22, 2018 3:34 pm
    why don't you do yourself a favor and read all of my comments. I explained this in detail, and I really do think you would benefit.Don't just jump someone's shit before you've even followed the thread of the c... raindragon

    No, that's not true. Grammar has exceptions and has a lot of general rules. There are numerous situations where there are multiple correct options, but one is "more correct" than another.

    I did read through the thread, actually. Your summary was incorrect. You were correct with your information about "that", but incorrect about "which". The situation you presented was a correct usage of "which", but it omitted some of its additional purposes. "That" is correct when you are presented with multiple possibilities in order to specify which one. If you are talking about basketball, there is only one kind of basketball. In volleyball, you can play beach volleyball or regular volleyball, in which case, "that" would be appropriate to discern between them. We don't need to discern between two or more different types of basketball in this case. Kuroko has a special style of play, most likely, but he can only play one game of basketball, because only one exists. Does that clear things up?

    Also, if you're rude to people, they are likely to return the favor. Here's a hint: calling someone an asshole and telling them to go back to school is rude. Additionally, publicly shaming volunteer translators for imperfect grammar is rude. Try a different approach next time, and people might be nicer. Good luck.

raindragon March 11, 2018 2:10 am

I can't stand it. I took my cat in for neutering this morning. I'm a wreck. He's four years old and mostly feral. I feel guilty like I'm taking away all of his activities and routines, but he keeps coming home with infections from bite wounds, four this past year. One of them was so serious he would have died from it if I hadn't been able to give him illegal antibiotics. I'm afraid he'll die in surgery, or that he's being kept in a tiny cage and is going nuts trapped for many hours there at the animal hospital. Does anyone have anything to tell me that would make me feel a little better?

    Anonymous March 11, 2018 3:37 am

    It's better than abandoning your cats, just because it became a nuisance and you cannot be bothered to take care of it. You're trying to solve a problem, it's a coping method. You're not taking its freedom, and you're still a lovely cat owner.

    Anonymous March 11, 2018 4:01 am

    They usually have a medicine that keeps cats or other animals calm/doped up so they don’t hurt themselves or others when they are at the vets. My cat acted like a wildcat at the vet’s but after getting the drug (we mashed it into her food and she ate it) she was a lot calmer and was not afraid of being in the environment at the vets. Your cat should be fine and vets are extremely practiced at neutering fully feral cats as well.

    chey March 11, 2018 5:00 am
    It's better than abandoning your cats, just because it became a nuisance and you cannot be bothered to take care of it. You're trying to solve a problem, it's a coping method. You're not taking its freedom, and... @Anonymous

    it's also better than having him mate and then a litter of kittens coming out of that bc you have no idea what will happen to them esp if you're in a area with lots of careless people

    raindragon March 11, 2018 5:06 am
    They usually have a medicine that keeps cats or other animals calm/doped up so they don’t hurt themselves or others when they are at the vets. My cat acted like a wildcat at the vet’s but after getting the ... @Anonymous

    omg, is that for real about the calming drug? thank you so much. all of what you said really does make me feel better.

    raindragon March 11, 2018 5:10 am
    It's better than abandoning your cats, just because it became a nuisance and you cannot be bothered to take care of it. You're trying to solve a problem, it's a coping method. You're not taking its freedom, and... @Anonymous

    I really can't believe someone could abandon a pet. It's horrible, right? thank you for your nice words, and I loved "a lovely cat owner!" I'm thinking you are, too. ty

    raindragon March 11, 2018 5:16 am
    it's also better than having him mate and then a litter of kittens coming out of that bc you have no idea what will happen to them esp if you're in a area with lots of careless people chey

    in the next block from me there's a house where tons of feral cats are just spread out all over the front yard. My cat was going up there where there's constant fighting, spraying, and mating. the place smells, and I think the owner of the house probably means well and thinks they're being nice, but they're not caring for those cats at all, just feeding them by spreading dry food all over the driveway. My cat came home from there with four serious infections in the past year.

    Anon March 11, 2018 7:08 am

    Sorry for answering so late! Lol, but I did used to work at an animal hospital, so I can understand where a pet owner like you is coming from. The place that I used to work at would always have a separate room of cages for surgery animals and ISO pets, so if that’s the case, it is usually a pretty calm environment meant to prevent any stress. If your cat really is experiencing a lot of stress, as said in previous comments, there is a drug to calm the nerves. However, usually surgery can be done in the same day as they go home. Especially a cat neuter since they are pretty easy to do.

    You sound like a really wonderful cat mother compared to what I have seen. And you are doing a great thing as getting neutered removes the risk of unwanted pregnancies and testicular cancer. Other than that, please rely on your vet and their staff to complete their work, because animal saftey has always gone first in my book. Thanks for reading, and I give you and your cat, the best of luck! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    raindragon March 11, 2018 10:45 am
    Sorry for answering so late! Lol, but I did used to work at an animal hospital, so I can understand where a pet owner like you is coming from. The place that I used to work at would always have a separate room ... @Anon

    coming from someone who actually worked in an animal hospital, I'm really grateful for your answer. It really does make me feel better. I've been so anxious about this. thank you.

raindragon January 30, 2018 12:57 am

I'm running an ad for "Wolf in the House" It's so good. You should read it and become happy! It's hilarious, sexy, dramatic, CUTE! Also, I'm giving away a free Bic Cristal Ballpoint Pen to all who see this and read it. Better hurry. I only have a package of ten.

raindragon January 25, 2018 7:01 am

is right-click still not working on mangago, or did they relent on prohibiting the right-click menu?
if you want, you guys can check out my reply to Leenah for a solution to this annoyance. love ya! LOL. Always on the side of the readers. here's the link:

    whoopdedoop January 24, 2018 4:32 pm

    yep, unfortunately mangago now prevents right-clicking -> saving images (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Not to mention that the watermarks that are scattered around the pages of the manga are quite annoying.

    Leenah January 24, 2018 5:02 pm

    Yes, right click still not work. But can't be this just an issue, they hadn't solved yet? Somthing's going on the site, new webtoon category, the annoying watermarks, not downloading pictures, black pages, etc.
    Raindragon, you are the uploder of Deadlock manga, right? Maybe an uploader asks, the admins answer what's happening. I sent a message, but they didn't answer. Maybe you could be luckier with them.
    They don't own any manga here, so they don't have the right to prevent users save them just for own using. I hope they know it.

    Anonymous January 24, 2018 6:15 pm
    yep, unfortunately mangago now prevents right-clicking -> saving images (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜Not to mention that the watermarks that are scattered around the pages of the manga are quite annoying. @whoopdedoop

    Do they now? What about screenshots? People who try to stop others from saving images don't think about this. I can just screenshot, crop, and it's mine, and I can remove the watermarks. What now?

    raindragon January 25, 2018 6:54 am
    Yes, right click still not work. But can't be this just an issue, they hadn't solved yet? Somthing's going on the site, new webtoon category, the annoying watermarks, not downloading pictures, black pages, etc.... Leenah

    Yeah, I'm the Deadlock person. thank you so much for noticing! If you're on Chrome there are two extensions you can get. one is "RighttoClick" the other is called, "pumpkin something." Pumpkin works. I can still right click and use the context menu. I don't think sites should put in code that prohibits saving images. It's not just saving images, they're costing us a whole menu of options we need. print, view page source... "open link in new tab" was a huge loss for me. So I researched around and found extensions so I still have my right click menu. let me see if I have that link around here in my toy box.

    raindragon January 25, 2018 6:56 am
    Do they now? What about screenshots? People who try to stop others from saving images don't think about this. I can just screenshot, crop, and it's mine, and I can remove the watermarks. What now? @Anonymous

    screenshots are so much more work that right-click, ya know?

raindragon October 19, 2017 10:50 pm

"Even I would have such a loose ass if it was aroused frequently." -- Favorite yaoi quote of the day

raindragon July 23, 2017 12:31 am

wan't signed in! Sorry. Again: Stop at the Red Light Yaoi, Love it. I bought the next chapter (9) on Lezhin, and it's not the same characters, Woo Min and Sae in!!! It's another couple that already has their own manhwa called Meet You at the Crosswalk!! Does anyone know if Stop at the Red light ever gets back to Woo Min and Sae in?

    raindragon July 23, 2017 3:36 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! KenGoldenTree

    thank you so much. yeah I read the editors note, yeah, I think you're right. oh well. I really liked the story, how bout you?

    raindragon July 24, 2017 6:43 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! KenGoldenTree

    I think it's too difficult to enjoy the story except for the part where Woo min says it was fun to take advantage of Hae in when he was drunk. Remove any element and you doom the entire story to oblivion. After all, Hae in clearly states that if not for this one drunken-sex moment, he will never have the courage to say the words to Woo min. Never means never.

raindragon July 10, 2017 3:25 am

looking for some yaoi where the uke is given lesson in love (sex) by the seme

    Omolilac July 10, 2017 4:07 am


    Vikturi July 10, 2017 6:10 am

    10 list

raindragon June 8, 2017 8:05 pm

hi everyone, after years of no updates, Raindalee Transrations decided to start translating DEADLOCK. As soon as we posted our first update, a guy showed up in the comment section and announced that he was going to start doing better translations of Deadlock on Tumblr! He said people should post their tumblr accounts in mangago's comment section to see his great translations. Unfortunately a lot of people posted. Now after putting in tons of work, our beautiful updates (after ch6 is ours) are getting much less viewers. SO, I'm wondering if some of you will check out DEADLOCK here on mangago. It's really a good manga - hang in there for the first couple of chapters. - Here is the link. Please give us a visit!

    Anonymous June 8, 2017 8:50 pm

    i mean i think it's completely ok for two teams to work on the same manga, it's not yours after all
    but that sounds a bit... wouldn't it be easier if that person just joined you to help you with it?

    Arianna June 8, 2017 9:26 pm

    if you are starting to become unmotivated, i can tell you that the people that read your translations don't have tumblr and are very appreciative of you. of course, this manga does deserve higher popularity.

    Arrow June 8, 2017 10:12 pm

    Well, not everyone has a tumblr. Personally I wish I can read it here bc it's more comfortable and easy and I think I'm not the only one. I'll be cheering for your updates and thank you for your hard work!ヾ(☆▽☆)

    me June 8, 2017 10:32 pm

    I don't have a tumblr acount, and i don't want one. I really appreciete your updates. I have been waiting for this manga for so long. Please, don't drop it!

    Daisukisports June 8, 2017 11:16 pm

    Def would be reading here. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    tokidoki June 8, 2017 11:25 pm

    We support you!

    raindragon June 9, 2017 5:21 am
    lol i mean i think it's completely ok for two teams to work on the same manga, it's not yours after allbut that sounds a bit... wouldn't it be easier if that person just joined you to help you with it? @Anonymous

    that was our exact question. we got no response

    raindragon June 9, 2017 5:21 am
    if you are starting to become unmotivated, i can tell you that the people that read your translations don't have tumblr and are very appreciative of you. of course, this manga does deserve higher popularity. Arianna

    ty arianna

    raindragon June 9, 2017 5:22 am
    Well, not everyone has a tumblr. Personally I wish I can read it here bc it's more comfortable and easy and I think I'm not the only one. I'll be cheering for your updates and thank you for your hard work!ヾ(... Arrow

    thank you

    raindragon June 9, 2017 5:26 am
    lol i mean i think it's completely ok for two teams to work on the same manga, it's not yours after allbut that sounds a bit... wouldn't it be easier if that person just joined you to help you with it? @Anonymous

    I think it's sad when two teams accidentally translate the same manga when there's so many that people are dying to see translated. It must be an awful feeling for the translators to discover the duplication, too

    raindragon June 9, 2017 5:26 am
    We support you! tokidoki

    tank you, toki! and thank everyone for the nice comments!

    daleemon June 10, 2017 3:45 am
    if you are starting to become unmotivated, i can tell you that the people that read your translations don't have tumblr and are very appreciative of you. of course, this manga does deserve higher popularity. Arianna

    Don't worry. I've already finished translating all available chapters (through 22), so it's only a matter of time before you'll get to read the rest!

    Thank you for your support, everyone!

    Arianna June 10, 2017 12:56 pm


raindragon June 7, 2017 3:20 pm

Raindragon's List of the Hottest Yaoi Ever is celebrating its 100th follower anniversary! come feel the heat! LOLOL!

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